UTS Study Abroad Excellence Awards, Australia, 2014


UTS Study Abroad Excellence Awards, Australia, 2014

University of Technology Sydney offers excellence awards for commencing  international students enrolling in study abroad programs.  All study  abroad students commencing between Semester 2, 2011 and Semester 2, 2014  (inclusive) and who meet the criteria will receive an Award. The award will  be granted at the point of offer and will be credited towards the first  semester’s study abroad tuition fees. Academic achievement in most recently  completed tertiary qualification recognised by UTS for entry into the UTS study  abroad program. Application should be submitted till  30th June 2014.

Study Subject(s): Awards are provided any one courses  offered by University of Technology Sydney in Australia. Course  Level: Awards  are for commencing international  students enrolling in study abroad programs. Scholarship Provider:  University of Technology Sydney in Australia. Scholarship  can be taken at: Australia

Eligibility: Future international students intending to  commence and undertake a study abroad program between Semester 2, 2011 and  Semester 2, 2014 (inclusive).

Scholarship Open for International Students: International  students can apply for these Awards.

Scholarship Description: UTS International offers merit  awards for commencing international students enrolling in study abroad programs.  Awards are granted solely on the basis of academic merit. All study abroad  students commencing between Semester 2, 2011 and Semester 2, 2014 (inclusive)  and who meet the criteria will receive an Award.

Number of award(s):Not Known

Duration of award(s):The award will be granted at  the point of offer and will be credited towards the first semester’s study  abroad tuition fees.

What does it cover?The award will be granted at the  point of offer and will be credited towards the first semester’s study abroad  tuition fees.Each award is valued at A$2,000 (to be credited to first semester  tuition fees).

Selection criteria: Awards are granted solely on the basis  of academic merit.

Notification:  Not Known

How to Apply:If you apply to undertake a study  abroad program at UTS, commencing between Semester 2, 2011 and Semester 2, 2014  (inclusive), you will automatically be considered for this scholarship. You do  not need to submit a separate scholarship application or documentation in  addition to what is required for the study abroad application.

Scholarship Application  Deadline: The application deadline is 30th June  2014.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
