University of Manchester, International Master’s Scholarships, Medical Mycology, UK, 2013


University of Manchester, International Master’s Scholarships, Medical Mycology, UK, 2013

University of Manchester offers Masters Scholarships for International  Students in the field of medical mycology. These scholarships are  aimed at international graduates within the medical and healthcare sciences  seeking to develop fungal infection diagnostic services with a global  reach. Funding provides full sponsorship of the MSc tuition fee and £16,550  living allowance (stipend) for September 2013 entry. In order to be  considered for a scholarship for 2013 you must first apply for the MSc in  Medical Mycology. The application deadline is 5th August  2013. Study Subject(s): Scholarships are provided in  the field of Medical Mycology at University of  Manchester. Course Level: Scholarships are  available for pursuing masters degree level at University of  Manchester. Scholarship Provider: University of  Manchester Scholarship can be taken at: UK Eligibility: These scholarships are aimed at  international graduates within the medical and healthcare sciences seeking to  develop fungal infection diagnostic services with a global reach. The  scholarships are directed at medical and healthcare science graduates from  ‘resource-limited’ non-EU countries wishing to develop their skills as  mycologists. Funding provides full sponsorship of the MSc tuition fee and  £16,550 living allowance (stipend). Scholarship Open for International  Students: International Students can apply for these  scholarships. Scholarship Description: International scholarships are  available for applicants seeking places on the MSc Medical Mycology for  September 2013 entry. The scholarships are directed at medical and healthcare  science graduates from ‘resource-limited’ non-EU countries wishing to develop  their skills as mycologists. Funding provides full sponsorship of the MSc  tuition fee and £16,550 living allowance (stipend). Number of award(s): Not Known Duration of award(s): Funding provides full sponsorship  of the MSc tuition fee. What does it cover? Funding provides full sponsorship  of the MSc tuition fee and £16,550 living allowance (stipend). Selection criteria: Not Known Notification: Interviews with shortlisted candidates  will be held mid-August. Places for 2013 entry are limited so early application  is encouraged. How to Apply: These scholarships are aimed at  international graduates within the medical and healthcare sciences seeking to  develop fungal infection diagnostic services with a global reach. Alongside the  application, an additional covering statement (maximum 750 words) should be  included explaining how you intend to use the scholarship to improve the  diagnostics and care of patients with fungal infections in your home country  and/or global. A support letter from the Head of your Hospital or Clinical  laboratory summarising how your new skills will be put in use is highly  recommended. Scholarship Application  Deadline: The application deadline is 5th August  2013. Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
