University of Birmingham, IAS Vanguard Research Fellowships Programme ,UK, 2018

Birmingham City University
University of Birmingham, IAS Vanguard Research Fellowships Programme ,UK, 2018

University of Birmingham, IAS Vanguard Research Fellowships Programme ,UK, 2018

Scholarship Description: The University of Birmingham is inviting applications for IAS Vanguard Fellowships Programme based on a competitive application process. This fellowship is available for international applicants.

This programme aims to attract outstanding early and mid-career researchers from global leading institutions, operating at the cutting edge of their disciplines, to work collaboratively with colleagues at the University of Birmingham.

Scholarship Provider: Birmingham has been challenging and developing great minds for more than a century. Characterised by a tradition of innovation, research at the University has broken new ground, pushed forward the boundaries of knowledge and made an impact on people’s lives.

Degree Level: This fellowship is open for Early and Mid-Career researchers.

Available Subject: Colleagues will focus on new and existing areas – topics that are timely, relevant, address national and international priorities, and cross disciplinary boundaries.

Scholarship Benefits: The IAS will:

  1. Arrange the appropriate invitation and visa for non EEA visitors;
  2. Arrange and cover costs of the Fellow travelling to Birmingham from their home institution;
  3. Arrange and cover the cost of self-catering accommodation in the city centre;
  4. Provide a desk and computer in the IAS Suite, Aston Webb;
  5. Organise access to Library and IT services;
  6. Provide a fund against which research expenses for the visit may be claimed. The funds will be agreed between the proposer and the IAS Deputy Director at the point of approval, to allow support for the research proposal, workshops and public events;
  7. Support networking through meetings and events across the University;
  8. Organise and support public events and workshops agreed with the dissemination plan;
  9. Work with the fellow and host to plan implementation of the objectives and dissemination plan.

Number of Scholarships: Up to six applicants will be invited to participate in the program.

Eligible Nationalities: This fellowship is available for international applicants.

Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:

Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Academic excellence and standing against career stage of the proposed Vanguard Fellow;

Please note that we seek early/mid-career researchers would normally be within 15 years of achieving their PhD, who hold a research post in academia, industry, charity, arts or other organisations, which are equivalent to academic post of Lecturer or above, or who hold an individual Principal Investigator Fellowship.

The extent to which the visit has the potential to enhance existing collaborative research orpump prime new areas.

Application Procedure: Proposals should be sent to Please do not provide costings with this proposal – these will be done by IAS.

We ask for a case for support of up to 500 words from the internal sponsor to

  • Demonstrate fit to the aims  of the programme;
  • Indicate likely outcomes from the collaboration, together with a dissemination plan with specifics that will be delivered during the visit (e.g. seminar, workshop, public lecture) and subsequently (e.g. publications, new research projects) which will demonstrate the value of the visit to the academic community and external stakeholders and organisations;
  • If relevant, an outline of research costs associated with the visit;
  • Short CV of applicant;
  • Confirmation from the applicant that if IAS were to offer a Fellowship they would accept, together with an indication of the ideal dates of a visit.

Scholarship Link

Deadline: December 3, 2018
