UK Scholarships for International students at Ravensbourn University 2015, International students can apply for these Scholarships.
Ravensbourn University is awarding scholarships for international students to pursue undergraduate and postgraduate program in September 2015. The university invites applications from students with an outstanding portfolio, academic merit and preparedness for high quality study in their chosen discipline area. Up to 3 scholarships of £1,500 each for undergraduate and 3 scholarships of £1,500 for postgraduate students will be awarded. The application deadline is 27 July 2015 for undergraduate and 15 May 2015 for postgraduate applicants.
- UK Scholarships for International students at Ravensbourn University 2015 are awarded in all subjects offered by the Ravensbourn University.
- Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate degree programme at Ravensbourn University.
- Ravensbourn University, UK is provding these Scholarships.
-Undergraduate: This scholarship encourages applications from international students who demonstrate potential or proven ability to make an exceptional contribution to study at Ravensbourne.
-Postgraduate: This award is open to international students who require Tier 4 visa to study in the UK. To be eligible, you must be holding an offer at Ravensbourne and have accepted your offer.
- International students can apply for these scholarships.
- Ravensbourne has released 6 scholarships available for international undergraduate (3 scholarships) and postgraduate students (3 scholarships) who have an offer to start at Ravensbourne in September 2015. The university invites applications from students with an outstanding portfolio, academic merit and preparedness for high quality study in their chosen discipline area.
- Up to 3 scholarships are available for undergraduate and 3 scholarships are awarded for postgraduate students.
- The undergraduate scholarship will be paid in three installments after your enrollment during the year. Postgraduate awards will be for one year only.
- The amount of each scholarship is £1,500 per student.
Selection Criteria:
-Undergraduate Applicants: In addition to an outstanding portfolio, academic merit and a commitment to high quality study, Ravensbourne will consider a supporting statement outlining how the Scholarship will contribute to the applicant’s long-term academic and career goals.
-Postgraduate Applicants: A postgraduate scholarship is awarded on academic excellence. In addition to your portfolio, the selection panel at Ravensbourne will be considering the following important criteria from your application and supporting statement when assessing your application form: academic excellence (university requires students to demonstrate their academic successes, while also identifying other areas of personal development, such as learning gained via work experience, extra-curricular activities and experiences), contribution to society (applicants are required to demonstrate what contribution they can make to the development of their community, society or nation, as a result of studying and obtaining qualification at Ravensbourne) and ambassadorial potential (upon your graduation, in addition to becoming an alumnus, you will be considered an Ambassador of Ravensbourne, and they will look positively upon applicants with the ability to represent Ravensbourne in a diplomatic and professional manner in their careers).
- Applications will be assessed by a select panel and all undergraduate applicants will be informed of the outcome by email by the Friday 7 August 2015 and final decisions will be communicated to the postgraduate candidates via email on week commencing 18 May 2015.
- Applications should be submitted via email.
The UK Scholarships for International students at Ravensbourn University 2015 application deadline is 27 July 2015 for undergraduate and 15 May 2015 for postgraduate.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
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