Scholarship Title: Fully Funded Journalism Fellowships for International Students at Reuters Institute in UK, 2018
Scholarship Description: The Reuters Institute is inviting applications for Journalism Fellowships to study in the UK. Fellowships may be for three, six or nine months covering one or two terms or a full academic year (October – June) respectively.
Degree Level: Fellowships are available to mid-carrier journalists.
Available Subject: Priority will be given to journalists proposing research projects within the following four areas of focus:
- Journalism and Democracy – This encompasses projects exploring the functions of media in political information, engagement, and participation, the roles of journalism and other media and communication platforms in democratization, the interplay of politics and the media, and public policies toward media.
- The business of Journalism – These projects are focused on the practices and effects of business / financial reporting, variations in practices around the globe, relationships between journalists and sources, and how coverage portrays and effects national and international economic and financial policies.
- Journalism Practice – These includes projects exploring topics such as the role of news and journalism in creating awareness and understanding of science and medicine, reporting of risk, business/financial reporting, relationships between journalists and sources, and on journalism affects public opinion and governmental policies.
- Media Policy – This incorporates projects investigating policies and proposed policies affecting media, such as structural and behavioral regulation of broadcasting, press regulation, pluralism policies, ownership controls, content regulation, taxation, and subsidies.
Other areas of research can be considered providing these are clearly related to the professional work of applicants and will lead to greater excellence in journalism.
Eligible Nationalities: Journalists from throughout the world are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements:
To be considered for a Fellowship you must have a minimum of five years journalistic experience, or in rare cases demonstrate the equivalent level of expertise.
Candidates who are carrying out a research project within one of the Reuters Institute of Journalism’s areas of interest will be given priority in the selection process.
Application Procedure:
Below is a list of the materials you will need to complete your application:
- A full curriculum vitae
- A personal statement outlining i) your journalistic values, ii) the major trends in the media landscape in which you work, and iii) a summary of what you think you would contribute to the Fellowship programme (no more than 500 words in total).
- A statement of up to 1,000 words explaining your proposed research project
- A reference from your employer, supporting your application and granting leave of absence
- A second professional reference (e.g. former employer)
- A sample of your work (please see specific requirements below)
Deadline: January 31, 2018