UK Manchester Metropolitan University Gothic Studies: Interdisciplinary Dimensions PhD Scholarship 2018

UK Manchester Metropolitan University Gothic Studies: Interdisciplinary Dimensions PhD Scholarship 2018

UK Manchester Metropolitan University Gothic Studies: Interdisciplinary Dimensions PhD Scholarship 2018

Scholarship Title: Interdisciplinary Dimensions PhD Scholarship in UK 2018 at Manchester Metropolitan University.

Scholarship Brief Description: The scholarship is offered from Manchester Metropolitan University. The title of the scholarship is Interdisciplinary Dimensions PhD Scholarship. The scholarship is available for EU/UK and international students. This project seeks to consolidate and expands the research that is currently being undertaken by staff either in or closely associated with the Centre for Gothic Studies at Manchester Metropolitan University.

Scholarship Provider: Manchester Metropolitan University is providing this scholarship. Manchester Metropolitan University was awarded university status in 1992 and is part of the largest higher education campus in the UK and one of the most extensive education centres in Europe.

What Stubjects are available to study: To this end, we invite innovative and original proposals from suitably qualified individuals for a scholarship in any aspect of the Gothic, from the eighteenth century through to the present day, and across all possible forms, modes, cultures, mutations and disciplinary boundaries. Though the precise topic remains open and unspecified, it is expected that the successful candidate will engage with the Gothic in some of its interdisciplinary manifestations, that is, its interactions with, say, science, technology, medicine, architecture, education, history, the social sciences, fashion, art or culture and/or the creative industries more generally.
Is Scholarship Subject Specified? yes (Gothis Studies)
How much scholarship will benefit you: The scholarship will be inshape of either fully funded or partial funded. Only successful candidates will be informed after interview. fully funded includes fee and stipend and partial funding includes only fee.
Are you eligible for Scholarship? If you are UK/ EU of international student you are eligible for this scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria: 

To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements:

Specific requirements of the project: The successful candidate will usually hold a good Honours degree (in the first or upper-second class) as well as a Masters degree (with merit or distinction, either awarded or forecast) in a relevant field. In addition to this, proposals should demonstrate a familiarity with the research interests of members of staff in (or affiliated with) the Manchester Centre for Gothic Studies, including Dr Linnie Blake; Dr Sorcha Ní Fhlainn; Dr Emma Liggins; Dr Xavier Aldana Reyes; Dr Chloe Buckley; Dr Julian Holloway; Dr Paul Wake; Dr Lucy Burke; Dr Matt Foley; Dr Peter Lindfield; and Prof. Dale Townshend. Applications will be assessed on the extent to which they fit with, and complement, the research strengths of members of staff. Though this is by no means an exhaustive list, proposals might wish to explore such topics as Gothic and gaming cultures (Paul Wake; Chloe Buckley); Gothic, children and education (Chloe Buckley; Dale Townshend); Gothic and popular culture (Sorcha Ní Fhlainn); Gothic cinema (Xavier Aldana Reyes, Sorcha Ní Fhlainn); Gothic and international relations (Xavier Aldana Reyes, Kathryn Starnes, Sarah Ilott); Gothic heritage and tourism (Dale Townshend, Peter Lindfield, Julian Holloway); Gothic, fine art and architecture (Dale Townshend, Peter Lindfield, Emma Liggins); historical manifestations of the Gothic (Linnie Blake, Dale Townshend, Emma Liggins); Gothic and national identity (Xavier Aldana Reyes, Linnie Blake, Sarah Ilott); Gothic and medical humanities (Linnie Blake, Lucy Burke); and Gothic, philosophy and critical theory (Dale Townshend, Matt Foley). Though the studentship will be based in the Centre for Gothic Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, members of the supervisory team will, where appropriate, be drawn from other departments and faculties across the University.

The successful candidate would be expected to start in September/October 2018

Where you can apply for this Scholarship: Apply for the scholarship from this link Online Application.

How to Apply for the Scholarship: The quickest and most efficient way to apply for this course is to apply online. This way, you can also track your application at each stage of the process.

Please complete the additional Postgraduate Research Degree Supplementary Information document and upload it to the Student documents section of your online application. This collects important information about your research application and there may be delays if you do not submit this document.

Before you apply, we recommend that you:

  • Contact the relevant Research Degrees coordinator within your chosen area of interest to discuss the project or your ideas.
  • Ensure that you have gathered the necessary supporting documents required and submit them along with your application where possible: references, passport copy, qualification transcripts and certificates, English language proficiency evidence where relevant.

Deadline for Scholarship: January 31, 2018
