UCL NIHR GOSH BRC PhD Studentship in UK, 2019

University College London
UCL NIHR GOSH BRC PhD Studentship in UK, 2019

UCL NIHR GOSH BRC PhD Studentship in UK, 2019

Scholarship Description: Applications are now being accepted for NIHR GOSH BRC PhD Studentship in Adolescent Rheumatology. Studentships are available for UK/EU and Overseas Students.

The aim of the project is to understand the genetic architecture and immunology of adolescent-onset rare inflammatory disorders in order to develop personalised treatment approaches including gene therapy.

Scholarship provider: UCL is London’s leading multidisciplinary university. In the recent 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF2014) UCL has rated the top university in the UK for research strength and the best research environment. The Infection, Immunity and Inflammation Programme, within the Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health at UCL, is a lively, stimulating, and highly collaborative place in the forefront of rare disease research.

Degree Level: Studentship is available to pursue PhD programme.

Available Subject: Studentship is awarded in a genomic medicine and immunology project using the unique biobank resources available at UCL and within the Arthritis Research UK Centre for Adolescent Rheumatology.

Scholarship Benefits: The student will receive a starting stipend of £23,860.00 per annum (including London weighting – £16,777 funded by the GOSH BRC and the top up funded by Arthritis Research UK) as well as the cost of tuition fees for UK/EU students (applicants from non-EU countries can apply but will have to personally fund the difference between the home/EU rate and the overseas rate), and £5000 contribution towards the running costs of their project.

Eligible Nationalities: Studentships are available for UK/EU and Non-UK students.

Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:

UCL is seeking a creative and highly motivated individual with the prime interest in genomics and immunology.  Applicants should have or expect to receive a first class or upper second class degree.  The student will receive a starting stipend of £23,860.00 per annum (including London weighting – £16,777 funded by the GOSH BRC and the top up funded by Arthritis Research UK) as well as the cost of tuition fees for UK/EU students (applicants from non-EU countries can apply but will have to personally fund the difference between the home/EU rate and the overseas rate), and £5000 contribution towards the running costs of their project.

Application Procedure: The form should now be submitted to NIHR GOSH BRC (BRC-at-gosh.nhs.uk), along with a copy of your CV. Your two referees should separately complete and return their reference forms to this address.

Application Form

Scholarship Link

Deadline: November 28, 2018
