Scholarships of Punjab Capacity Building Program for Civil servants and Policy Makers-lV, Pakistan


Scholarships of Punjab Capacity Building Program for Civil servants and Policy Makers-lV, Pakistan

Scholarships of Punjab Capacity Building Program for Civil servants and Policy Makers-lV, Pakistan

Program Management Unit PMU, Punjab resource Management Program PRMP, Planning and Development Department, Govt of Punjab, invites applications from eligible officers for award of a limited number of scholarships for one/two years Master/ MPhil local degree programs in specified disciplines to be pursued in identified universities under this scheme.


Candidate should:

  1. Hold a masters degree or 16 year education.
  2. Should not be more than 50 years old.
  3. Have at least 5 years public sector work experience in BS-17 or above.
  4. Be an employee of the Government of Punjab/ a Civil Servant. (Contract employees are not eligible under this scheme).
  5. Furnish an undertaking on a legal paper that she/he will serve the Punjab government for a period of at least 5 years after training (on given format). Otherwise he/she will be liable to refund entire expenditure incurred by the government on his/her degree/certification.
  6. Not be enrolled and pursuing a degree program at the time of application and not getting funds from the government of Pakistan/ Punjab or any other source, scholarship etc.
  7. Not have obtained a foreign degree during the past 5 years.
  8. Not be currently on deputation with a donor or international agency.
  9. Not be on long leave from the government. (Equal or more than one year)
  10. Not be involved in an inquiry or disciplinary action. (However, officers facing minor punishments, inquiry or disciplinary action may apply for scholarship under this scheme, if otherwise qualified).
  11. Be in good mental and physical health.

Further Details:

Please Click Here to visit the Official website of Punjab resource management program.

Application Deadline: 05 Aug 2014
