Problems of press in Pakistan


Problems of press in Pakistan

Problems of press in Pakistan

Basically there are two problems
1. Freedom of press
2. Economic condition of press


There can be difference of opinion about the topic freedom of the press. we get different opinions on this issue. Govermant of Pakistan, history reveals, always used a strong hand to curb the voice of journalist on different occasions. The history of Pakistan is full of incidents when dictators ( civil and military) put the press under its control. The purpose was always hiding of the facts from public. Freedom of expression in democratic countries is vital. But every democratic government in Pakistan imposed restrictions on media. We know that press should be given freedom but this freedom shall not be misused.

2. Economic Conditions of Newspapers:

  1. distribution of advertisement:

Advertisement is blood of newspaper. 60 percent advertisement in newspaper is from govt. and 40 percent from private sector. Govt. uses advertisement as weapon and makes its distribution unjustified when ever required.

2. Supply of newsprint paper:

Govt imports newsprint paper and imposes heavy taxes on it. Govt use this monopoly as weapon against press

3. Raw material:

Press machine parts, paper, ink, plate colors and other material are getting expensive day by day. The per capita income of reader is decreasing on the other hand. The sales of newspapers as a result remain low and newspaper face financial constraints.

4. Illiteracy: literacy rate in Pakistan is 45%.
5.Press advice:

With the help of press advice newspapers are asked to do or not to do any certain action by govt. press advice is also a weapon in the hand of govt.

6. Limited buying capacity:

Buying capacity of public in Pakistan is less. Ordinary day’s urdu newspaper is of rs 9 and Sunday of 13, where as incase of English Rs 13 and 15 respectively. People are not able to buy newspaper every day.

7. Unskilled journalist:
Journalists are mostly untrained. The profession is low paid. Journalist faces hard life except few.

8. Social Habit:
People read news paper at libraries, barbershop, hotels and bookstall for the reason that the wont have to buy it. Due to this social behavior newspapers are not purchased and newspaper owner faces financial problems.

9. Distribution of newspaper:
The distribution agent gets 30% commission due to which newspaper industry suffers.
10. Press trust of Pakistan:
On oct 08, 1959 ayub’s martial law was criticized by journalists. Faiz ahmed faiz , ahmed nadeem qasmi syed shibli hassan were arrested under safety act. The asscociated press of Pakistan APP was taken over by government 
.11. Censorship:
Govt. deprives freedom of press with censorship. Censorship is usually imposed during conflicts (internat), national crises. The govt officers check the news paper.
12. Competition with other sources of information:
Press has to compete against radio, television, internet etc.
