Exploring Copyright: History, Culture, Industry Free Online Course


International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) is offering free online course on Exploring Copyright: History, Culture, Industry. This is an introductory course open to anyone with an interest in history and copyright.

In this four week course, applicants will understand the importance of copyright and learn its history, from the Renaissance to the Internet, with this free online course. This course will start on October 9, 2017.

Course At Glance

Length: 4 weeks
Effort: 3 hours/week
Subject: Exploring Copyright: History, Culture, Industry
Institution: International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) and Future learn
Languages: English
Price: Free
Certificate Available: Yes
Session: Course starts on October 9, 2017

Providers’ Details

CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers, is the world’s leading network of authors’ societies (also referred to as collective management organisations or CMOs).

About This Course

Have you ever thought about how a composer or a writer makes a living? Or how they make money to live their daily lives, just like other people? This course will explore the process of creators becoming professionals: how a marketplace and an industry have grown thanks to inventions like the 15th century printing press.

Why Take This Course?

This is a free online course. This MOOC will be offered with Video Transcripts in English.  Applicants can get a verified certificate.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to…

  • Be familiar with the concepts of copyright and authors’ rights.
  • Understand how copyright a powerful tool in the marketplace for artistic works became.
  • Learn about the legal framework for the protection of creative works.
  • Raise awareness of the legal protection system as an essential tool for building a fair trade market for creators.


This is an introductory course open to anyone with an interest in history and copyright. It might also be of interest to anyone in the creative and cultural industries.


Marisa Gandelman

Marisa Gandelman is a musician and a music teacher. I became a copyright lawyer. I did a Doctorate in International Relations and worked as the CEO of a composer’s organisation. Now I’m an educator again.

Ben Costantini

Ben is an instructor in Global Entertainment and Music Business at the Valencia Campus of Berklee College of Music.

How To Join This Course

  • Go to the course website link
  • Sign Up At FutureLearn
  • Select a course and Join
  • Once a course has started, applicant will be able to access the course material
  • After the start date, students will be able to access the course by following the Go To Course link on My Courses page.
  • Applicants can buy, to show that they have completed a FutureLearn course.
  • On some FutureLearn courses, learners will be able to pay to take an exam to qualify for a Statement of Attainment. (These are university-branded, printed certificates that provide proof of learning on the course topic(s)).

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