Agricultural policy, Food Security and Climate Change Free Online Course

Inter-American Development Bank

Inter-American Development Bank is offering free online course on AGRIMONITOR: Agricultural policy, food security and climate change. Students will have the chance to participate in the “Researching with AGRIMONITOR” competition.

In this five-week course, applicants will learn the effects of agricultural policy in Latin America and the Caribbean, and analyze them using the AGRIMONITOR platform, developed by IDB. This course will start on May 25, 2017.

Course At A Glance 

Length: 5 weeks
Effort: 6-8 hours pw
Subject:  Economics & Finance
Institution: Inter-American Development Bank and edx
Languages: English
Price: Free
Certificate Available: Yes, Add a Verified Certificate for $25
Session: Course Starts on May 25, 2017


Providers’ Details

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) works to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through financial and technical support for countries working to reduce poverty and inequality, we help improve health and education, and advance infrastructure.

About This Course

As a consumer, you know the price of the food that you consume daily. However, do you know why your food costs this amount and why it is different from the price it’s sold for in other countries? Well, agricultural public policies determine, among other things, the price you have to pay for your food. In fact, did you know that these policies also impact food security and climate change?

Why Take This Course?

Do not miss this chance to compare agricultural policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, and to describe their influence in food security, climate change and regional competitiveness. For you to achieve this, we will introduce you to ‘AGRIMONITOR’, a database created by IDB that contains information about 23 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. AGRIMONITOR will be your ‘right-hand tool’ in the analysis of all these relevant topics.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the importance of agricultural policies and their influence on the economy.
  • Use the Producer Support Estimate (PSE) methodology and the AGRIMONITOR platform.
  • Compare trade policies and competitiveness strategies using AGRIMONITOR.
  • Identify the relationships among agricultural policies and food security.
  • Identify the relationships among agricultural policies and climate change.


Javier Escudero Madruga
Independent International Consultant

Juan José Egas
Inter-American Development Bank

Amal-Lee Amin
Chief of the Climate Change and Sustainability Division
Inter-American Development Bank

César Falconi
IDB Representative in Suriname
Inter-American Development Bank

Timothy E. Josling
Professor, Emeritus, at the (former) Food Research Institute
Stanford University

Rachel Boyce
Inter-American Development Bank

Carmine Paolo De Salvo
Rural Development Specialist
Inter-American Development Bank

Pedro Martel
Chief for the Environment, Rural Development and Disaster Risk Management Division
Inter-American Development Bank



How To Join This Course

  • Go to the course website link
  • Create an edX account to SignUp
  • Choose “Register Now” to get started.
  • EdX offers honor code certificates of achievement, verified certificates of achievement, and XSeries certificates of achievement. Currently, verified certificates are only available in some courses.
  • Once applicant sign up for a course and activate their account, click on the Log In button on the homepage and type in their email address and edX password. This will take them to the dashboard, with access to each of their active courses. (Before a course begins, it will be listed on their dashboard but will not yet have a “view course” option.)

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