WFUNA International Model United Nations Conference (WIMUN)
WIMUN is the premier international Model UN conference that simulates the UN4MUN Rules of Procedure produced by the United Nations Department of Public Information. Opening and Closing Plenary sessions and ceremonies will be held at the UN General Assembly Hall.
The second annual WFUNA International Model United Nations Conference (WIMUN) will take place November 10-14, 2015 at the United Nations Headquarters and the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City.
Course(s) Offered: UN conference simulation
Course Level: Training (Undergraduate, Graduate)
Provider: WFUNA
Country to Study in: USA
Registration Options – Delegate, Delegation, Advisor, Observer.
Single Delegate (University):
- Individual students enrolled or have graduated from university and are at least 18 years old by November 2015 can register as a Single Delegate.
- The Early Registration delegate fee is $200 and the Regular Registration delegate fee is $250.
Delegation (University):
- A group of at least four students enrolled or have graduated from university and are at least 18 years old by November 2015 can register as a University Delegation.
- Delegations receive preference in country and committee assignments and can be grouped together in the same rooms.
- The Early Registration delegate fee is $200 and the Regular Registration delegate fee is $250. The Early Delegation Fee is $100 and the Regular Delegation Fee is $150.
Delegation (High School):
- A group of at least four students enrolled in high school and are at least 14 years old by November 2015 can register as a High School Delegation.
- Delegations receive preference in country and committee assignments and can be grouped together in the same rooms.
- The Early Registration delegate fee is $200 and the Regular Registration delegate fee is $250. The Early Delegation Fee is $100 and the Regular Delegation Fee is $150. High School Delegations must be accompanied by at least one registered Faculty Advisor
Faculty Advisor:
- All faculty advisors for university or high school groups, chaperones, and observers must register under the Faculty Advisor option.
- The fee for Faculty Advisors is $200 for both registration periods
Eligible groups
Citizens of ALL countries
Participating Institution
The World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA); which administers the WFUNA International Model United Nations (WIMUN).
WIMUN is an accurate simulation of the United Nations, and one of the key aspects of a proper UN simulation should include the election of General Assembly officials. This is meant to convey the proper power structure in the UN where the member states determine their own officials and the UN Secretariat assists those officials.
Collectively, the officials are called the General Committee for the General Assembly Plenary sessions and a Bureau for each of the Main Committees.
- WIMUN will be holding online elections in the fall after registration has closed, and details about the elections process will be announced at a later date.
- Permanent 5 member states customarily do not hold the President of the General Assembly or Chair roles at the UN and will therefore not be able to run for those roles as WIMUN.
- Officials who are elected will cease to represent their member state in Committee and will therefore not be part of your assigned country delegation.
- They will also receive training from the WIMUN Secretaries.
Councils and Committees:
The second annual WFUNA International Model UN will simulate the following Councils and Committees:
University Division
- United Nations Security Council
- General Assembly First Committee
- General Assembly Second Committee
- General Assembly Sixth Committee
High School Division:
- United Nations Security Council
- General Assembly Third Committee
- General Assembly Fourth Committee
Conference duration
The second WIMUN conference will hold between November 10-14, 2015
Conference benefits
Located at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) has worked closely with the UN Department of Public Information to precisely simulate the United Nations in Model UN programs and provide students with the most realistic experience possible.
The WIMUN conference features intensive training workshops taught by UN officials, briefings on important agenda items by UN Agencies, and conference sessions at the United Nations Headquarters.
Method of Application
The 2nd WIMUN Conference will take place at the UN Headquarters and the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City.
Interested applicants may Register Here Now for the WFUNA International Model United Nations Conference (WIMUN).
It is important to visit the official website (link to it is below) for complete information.
The Early Registration deadline is May 31, 2015.
The Regular Registration deadline is September 15, 2015.
The World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) International Model United Nations (WIMUN) is the most accurate simulation of the United Nations in the world.
Following the atrocities of the Second World War and the failing of the League of Nations, multiple States gathered in 1945 to create a new international organization with the aim to promote international peace and security – the United Nations.
As the UN celebrates its 70th anniversary this year, it can look back at many successful years of preventing conflict and improving the lives of humans all around the world.
Application Deadline: 15 September 2015
Open to International Applicants: Yes