Netherlands Fellowship Programmes 2014-15
The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) promote capacity building within organisations in 50 countries by providing training and education through fellowships for professionals. The NFP is initiated and fully funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the budget for development cooperation.
The aim of the NFP
- The overall aim of the NFP is to help increase both the number and the competencies of skilled staff at a wide range of governmental and non-governmental organisations. You have to be nominated by your employer to be eligible for the fellowship. There also has to be a clear need for training within the context of your organisation.
- After completing your training you return to your original workplace. This ensures the training is embedded within your organisation.
- You will improve your knowledge and skills, learn about relevant global developments in your field and build an international network. The result is twofold: for your employing organisation, it represents a direct investment in staff development; for you as a professional, the training is a valuable asset in your further career.
Application Deadline: 07 Oct 2014
NFP country list
To be eligible for an NFP fellowship, you must be a national of and working and living in one of the 50 countries listed on this page.
Afghanistan | Georgia | Peru |
Albania | Ghana | Philippines |
Armenia | Guatemala | Rwanda |
Bangladesh | India | Senegal |
Benin | Indonesia | Somalia |
Bhutan | Jordan | South Africa |
Bolivia | Kenya | South Sudan |
Burkina Faso | Macedonia | Sri Lanka |
Burundi | Mali | Sudan |
Cambodia | Mongolia | Surinam |
Colombia | Mozambique | Tanzania |
Djibouti | Myanmar (Burma) | Thailand |
DR Congo | Nepal | Uganda |
Egypt | Nicaragua | Vietnam |
Eritrea | Nigeria | Yemen |
Ethiopia | Pakistan | Zambia |
Palestinian Territories | Zimbabwe |
Further Details:
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