Minerva Schools at KGI Full Academic Scholarship for, USA 2015

Minerva Schools at KGI Full Academic Scholarship for, USA 2015

Minerva Schools at KGI Full Academic Scholarship for, USA 2015

Minerva Schools at KGI Full Academic Scholarship for, USA 2015

Minerva Schools at KGI is awarding a full academic scholarship for students from around the world who show the ability to lead people in significantly transforming their lives. This scholarship is designed to cover tuition for four years. Minerva is looking for the brightest and most motivated students from around the world. They will screen for strong intellectual and leadership background, analytical capabilities, creativity and strength of character. As the last stage of the process, Minerva conducts a web-based video evaluation to determine students’ suitability and ensure their readiness to attend Minerva.

  • Minerva Schools at KGI Full Academic Scholarship for, USA 2015 is awarded in all subjects.
  • Scholarship is available for undergraduate degree program.
  • Minerva Schools at KGI is providing this Scholarship.

-Their admissions criteria and four-stage process focus on academic performance, individual achievement, and potential for innovation and leadership. Once you apply, they review your transcript, appraise evidence of your accomplishments outside the classroom, analyze your scores on our proprietary assessments, and evaluate you for fit with the program.
-As a composite of your abilities and personal attributes, grades are an important indication of your future academic performance.
-Fluency in written and spoken English is critical. Because all classes are conducted in English, your proficiency with the language must be at a very high level in order to succeed in the very challenging academic environment.
-They also look at extracurricular accomplishments that clearly indicate your initiative, creativity and leadership. While they value skill in all three of these domains, evidence of your achievements should verifiably demonstrate strength in at least one.
-Their unique set of cognitive and non-cognitive assessments are a validated measure of the qualities associated with innovators and leaders. Again, they consider your strongest scores together with the average of the others. Looking for evidence of exceptional abilities and characteristics in at least one area, they build upon their understanding of your potential.
-As the last stage of the process, they conduct a web-based video evaluation to determine your suitability and ensure your readiness to attend Minerva.

  • Scholarship is open for students from around the world.
  • The Minerva Schools at KGI is a newly launched accredited university designed to prepare students to solve complex global problems. The school provides students who want to explore the world a uniquely global, rigorous, and accessible education.
  • This scholarship is designed to cover tuition for four years.
  • Minerva is offering full academic scholarship for students. This scholarship is designed to cover tuition for four years amounting to $40,000.

Selection Criteria: Minerva is looking for the brightest and most motivated students from around the world. They will screen for strong intellectual and leadership background, analytical capabilities, creativity, and strength of character.

  • This scholarship is for students who are admitted to Minerva and have demonstrated financial need. You will only need to submit the standard Minerva application and financial aid forms to be considered. At the end of the Minerva application you will be asked to indicate your interest in a specific Minerva scholarship category. Although you can only indicate one category, you will be considered for all categories. Students who have already applied but did not indicate their scholarship interest will be automatically considered for these scholarships.
  • The Minerva Schools at KGI Full Academic Scholarship for, USA 2015 application deadline for admissions is March 15th, 2015 and for submission of financial aid forms is February 15, 2015.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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