MBA Scholarships for International Students in UK at Bradford University 2014


MBA Scholarships for International Students in UK at Bradford University 2014

MBA Scholarships for International Students in UK at Bradford University 2014

The School of Management offers a number of scholarships to students from anywhere in the world to help with the funding of your tuition fees. Our scholarships for 2014/15 are detailed below. In addition, we still have limited scholarship funding available for study on the Accelerated MBA programme for January 2014. Please note that where candidates are eligible for more than one scholarship they will be offered the one of highest value. Merit scholarships of up to £10,000 are available to support high calibre students for entry to the full-time MBA in September 2014 and the Accelerated MBA in January 2015. These scholarships will normally be offered at the same time as the offer of a place in Bradford and will not require applicants to make a separate application for the scholarship. There is no closing date for entry but early applications are encouraged as they are subject to availability (capped scholarship fund).

Bradford University offers a number of MBA scholarships for entry to the full-time MBA in September 2014 and the Accelerated MBA in January 2015. MBA scholarships on merit basis of up to £10,000 to support high calibre students and four named scholarships each worth £11,475 (50% of fee) for September 2014 full-time Bradford-based students only (not Accelerated)  are available. There is no closing date for MBA scholarships but the closing date for these named scholarships is 30th June 2014.

  • Scholarships are awarded for MBA programme (Finance, Leadership, Marketing and Strategy and Operations) at Bradford University.
  • Scholarships are available for pursuing masters degree level at Bradford University.

Eligibility: Merit scholarships of up to £10,000 are available to support high calibre students for entry to the Full-time MBA in September 2014 and the Accelerated MBA in January 2015. These scholarships will normally be offered at the same time as the offer of a place in Bradford and will not require applicants to make a separate application for the scholarship.

  •  International students can apply for these scholarships
  • A number of MBA scholarships on merit basis will be offered. In addition, there are four named scholarships (Bradford MBA Finance Scholarship, MBA Leadership Scholarship, MBA Marketing and Strategy Scholarship and MBA Operations Scholarship) based around the new MBA pathways.
  • Scholarships will be offered for duration of the program.
  • MBA scholarships on merit basis of up to £10,000 are available to support high calibre students for entry to the full-time MBA. In addition, four named scholarships each worth £11,475 (50% of fee) will be available.
  •  MBA scholarships will be awarded on merit basis.
  •  Applicants will be informed about the decision by mid-July.

How to Apply: All applicants meeting university entry requirements will be automatically considered for MBA scholarships. No separate scholarship application is required.

Scholarship Application Deadline: For MBA scholarships, there is no closing date for entry but early applications are encouraged as they are subject to availability (capped scholarship fund). The closing date for these named scholarships is 30th June 2014.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
