Master Scholarships ,Fashion Styling ,Visual Merchandising, Italy


Master Scholarships ,Fashion Styling ,Visual Merchandising, Italy

Domus Academy in partnership with Patrizia Pepe offers the the  Fashion Brand Communicator Competition for scholarships to pursue Master in  Fashion Styling and Visual Merchiandising.The competition is open to graduates  in Fashion and Design disciplines, Photography, Architecture and Communication,  as well as junior professionals working in the fields of Industrial Design,  Fashion Journalism, Fashion Styling, Visual Merchandising, and Press Offices, or  owners of fashion companies willing to improve their skills. Three  international masters scholarships of 70% , 50% and 30% of the total  tuition fee of the Master Program are offered as prizes.

Study Subject(s):The scholarship is provided to study  Fashion Styling and Visual Merchandising. Course Level:This  scholarship is for pursuing Masters degree level. Scholarship  Provider: Domus Academy in collaboration with Patrizia Pepe Scholarship can be taken at: Italy

Eligibility: -Candidates holding a first-level academic  diploma or BA degree, or about to graduate within the academic year 2011/12

The Fashion Brand Communicator Competition

and with a knowledge of the English language (IELTS 5.0  academic or equivalent certificate minimum). -The competition is open to  graduates in Fashion and Design disciplines, Photography,  Architecture and Communication, as well as junior  professionals working in the fields of Industrial Design,  Fashion Journalism, Fashion Styling, Visual Merchandising, and Press  Offices, or owners of fashion companies willing to improve their  skills.

Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: The  International students can apply for this scholarship.

Scholarship Description: The new Master Program in Fashion  Styling and Visual Merchandising aims at investigating and combining the skills  and competences of these two strategic profiles, whose respective roles are  becoming more and more interchangeable, in order to prepare the new generation  of “Visual Fashion Brand Communicators”. Candidates will have to present a  comprehensive project, consistent with the Patrizia Pepe brand, able to  illustrate the art of visually communicating both the Brand DNA and its  narration.

Number of awards offered: Three scholarships are offered at  Domus Academy.

Duration of award(s): Scholarships are awarded on  total tuition fee of Master Program

What does it cover?Application fee is waived for competition  participants. One scholarship covering 70% of the total tuition fee of the  Master Program. One scholarship covering 50% of the total tuition fee of the  Master Program. One scholarship covering 30% of the total tuition fee of the  Master Program.

Selection Criteria: Not Known

Notification:Candidates will be informed about the results  of the competition by e-mail on 17th May 2013.

How to Apply: Projects in digital format must be sent  by e-mail to Paper works must be  sent by post. Participants can choose the presentation technique that  better express their skills (they can use hand sketches, digital illustrations,  3D renderings, etc): maximum 5 A3 boards in .PDF or .TIFF files. -Short  written description of the project: maximum 1 A4 page. -Curriculum vitae of  the participant: maximum 1 A4 page -Statement of purpose: maximum 5 lines on  an A4 page. – Domus Academy Application Form* The candidates are asked  to send their materials in one sole file in .PDF format. Any further attached  material will be considered a plus and will be evaluated by the jury. *  Application fee is waived for competition participants

Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for  International scholarship applications is 3rd May 2013.

Further  Official Scholarship Information and Application
