Land tenure System In Pakistan


Land tenure System In Pakistan

Land Tenure System:
The word tenure derived from a latin word “TENU” which mean “holding of real state” or conditions of occupancy. Land tenure thus mean a system which :

  1. Describes the ownership of land.
  2. The condition of occupancy of land.
  3. The manner, and responsibility of payment.

Types of Land tenure System In Pakistan:

There are three type.
1.Royotwari Land Tenure System
2.Mahalwari Land Tenure System
3.Zamindari Land Tenure System

1.Royotwari Land Tenure System: Under this system every register holder of the land is recognized as its proprietor . He is made responsible to pay revenue directly to the Government. So long as he pays the fixed revenue he can not be ejected from the land.
The Royotwari tenure was introduced by the british ruler in order to create a loyal class which helped them in continuation of their rule in india.


In this system the Government directly gives agricultural land to the cultivators and the cultivator is treated as a Peasant and his rights are heritable and transferable.

2.Mahalwari System: Under this system the individual are the owner of their small holdings and are self-cultivators. It is prevalent in Punjab and Bhai chara system in NWFP.

Problems of Land Tenure System In Pakistan:

The land tenure system are defective and created a large number of economic and social problems in pakistan.

  1. It has given birth to absentee landlords who lived in post colonies. The landlord get their share without making provision of efficient use of land.
  2. The cultivators are exploited by the land lords due to high rents and insecurity of the tenure.
  3. Landlord is a sleeping partner and takes no intrest in land utilization.
  4. Landlords give small units of cultivation to tenats where modern implements of agriculture cannot be used.

Objectives of Land Reforms in Pakistan.
The objective of land reforms in Pakistan are both social and economic.

Social Objectives:

  • To provide equal access to agricultural occupations to the concerned persons.
  • To minimize exploitation of one group by another.
  • To provide security to famers.

Economic Objectives:

  • To lift agricultural sector from stagnation
  • To put an end to feudalism, who are exploiting rights of farmers.
  • The Land reforms provide security to the tenants.So long they continue paying rent.
  • The tenancy reforms encourage the tenants to make permanent improvements such as leveling of land , drainage, tubewells etc. in their occupied land holding. This ultimately results in high production.
  • With the increase in agricultural produce, the state raises more revenue from land.

Impact of Land Reforms on Economy:

  • The feudalism will come to end , which is main obstacle in development of economy.
  • The tenats will pay revenue to the state and come in direct relationship to it.
  • When the tenats become owners of the land, they improve cultivation, which helps in development of economy.
  • Self-cultivation on owned land will minimize unemployment.