Japan Two Weeks Summer Scholarship Program at Okayama University 2018

Japan Two Weeks Summer Scholarship Program at Okayama University 2018

Japan Two Weeks Summer Scholarship Program at Okayama University 2018

Scholarship Title: Two weeks Summer Scholarship Program for International Students at Okayama University in Japan 2018.

Scholarship Brief: The Okayama University is offering two weeks Summer School Scholarships from July 1, 2018 – July 14, 2018. International students are eligible for this scholarship.

Scholarship Provider: Okayama University Japan is providing this scholarship. The Okayama University is a top-class national university with over 140 years of history. We have 11 faculties, 7 graduate schools, and various programs. You can gain a unique learning experience which will positively impact the future success of your academic and professional career.

Purpose of Scholarship: This two-week summer program aims to provide students from all around the world with opportunities to learn about the Setouchi region and to advance the SDGs with a clear picture of Setouchi’s past, present and future through a lecture series, concerning topics such as the revitalization of mountain villages, tourism in a small island, community involvement in the historical town, Kurashiki, the Setouchi Art Festival, and its influence on local people’s lifestyles.

What can you Study: Scholarship is awarded in “SETOUCHI – Its Natural Environment and Society” Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Is Scholarship Subject Specified?  Yes (SETOUCHI )

How much scholarship will benefit you: 

  • Students who are applying from one of our partner institutions and have an academic record of good standing are encouraged to apply for our scholarship program (80,000 JPY).
    The official transcript from our partner institutions submitted with students’ applications for this Summer Program will be referred to when consideration is given to which students satisfy the criteria for the scholarship. The award decision will be made on June 1, 2018 (Friday).
  • IMPORTANT: Travel Insurance Requirements: All participants are required to arrange travel insurance in their home countries before departing to Japan.
    Students, who arrive at Okayama University without proper insurance, are required to purchase Okayama university co-op insurance before attending the summer program. (Approximately 5,000 JPY for premium and 4,000JPY for membership deposit. Cash only).

Are you eligible for Scholarship?  International student belonging to any nationality is eligible.

Language Skills required for scholarship: Yes

TOEFL iBT 61 or above
IELTS 5.5 with an equivalent mark of the CEFR B2 level or above
Other English test scores which can be considered as equivalent to the CEFR
B2 level or above.
NOTE: CEFR stands for Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. * If you have any questions regarding this English proficiency requirement, please contact our program coordinator

Where you can apply for this Scholarship:   Student can apply here Online Application

How to Apply for the Scholarship: Apply through the link given above.

Deadline for Scholarship:

First deadline: February 14, 2018 (Wednesday)
Second deadline: March 7, 2018 (Wednesday)

Contact:  Should you have any questions, please contact the following person:
Contact : Mike Kitatsugi (NTA Business Support)
Email: [email protected]
Nippon Travel Agency Co., Ltd
Okayama Branch, Chu-shikoku Convention Group
2-1-7, Ekimae-cho, Kita-ku, Okayama, 700-0023 Japan
Direct : +81-90-8129-7623 FAX : +81-6-4796-3737

Regarding academic matters:
Summer Program Office
Mariko Uzuka, professor
Okayama University
Center for Global Partnerships and Education,
