Campus Leader Internship At The National Society of Leadership and Success USA 2022

The brilliant students who desire to have an amazing experience in their fields are encouraged to apply for Campus Leader Internship.
The campus Leader Internship is offered by The National Society of Leadership and Success. It is one of the best opportunities for students to get practical exposure. The internship aims to educate young future professionals.
Students who are seeking more practical knowledge about their field must apply for this internship.

The National Society of Leadership and Success welcomes interns with great learning opportunities to prepare them with quality skills and practical education. At the end of this internship, students would have a strong grip and highly professional skills.
Read below to learn about the eligibility criteria and application link!


• Currently enrolled student at a college or university in the United States for the current academic year with a minimum 3.0 GPA and in good disciplinary standing
•Must have at least three semesters/terms remaining in your degree program during which you are willing and available to work
•As much of an intern’s work requires meeting with campus partners & leading groups, students planning to study abroad during this time frame are not eligible
•Excellent public speaking and presentation skills
•Proficiency with video conferencing technology (live streaming, webinar)


•As an NSLS Intern, you’ll lead the charge of starting a new NSLS chapter as the Student President at your college or university
•You’ll be responsible for establishing the chapter to then facilitate a leadership development program for your fellow student members
•You’ll contribute to their growth as leaders by hosting events, managing the day-to-day chapter operations, and providing an excellent member experience
•Complete all required onboarding documentation and training
•Complete virtual training modules and meet with the NSLS Student Program Director weekly via video conferencing for status updates on key deliverables
•Identify and recruit an executive board team of at least four students and host regular meetings as a group
•Identify and recruit at least one full-time faculty or staff advisor at the college or university
•Establish NSLS as a student organization or department-sponsored organization
•Facilitate the invitation process for the NSLS campus chapter, in conjunction with the NSLS Student Program Director
•Create a calendar of events in coordination with the NSLS Student Program Director for the launch semester
•Launch a chapter of NSLS at your campus and serve as the Chapter Student President
•Facilitate the leadership development program with your executive board and continue to receive support from the NSLS National Office




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