International Scholarships at Nottingham Trent University in UK, 2014


International Scholarships at Nottingham Trent University in UK, 2014

Nottingham Trent University offers international scholarships in the UK. The scholarships are available for pursuing master’s degree level. Applicants must be holding an NTU offer when they apply. Scholarships are competitive and are based on academic attainment and the quality of personal statement. The scholarships will cover half fee scholarship for best student accepted for January 2014. Applicants may apply for as many scholarships as they want but may only be awarded one scholarship. Application should be submitted till 29th November 2013  for January 2014 start courses.

Scholarships Title: International Scholarships at Nottingham Trent University in UK, 2014

Degree Level: MSC

Subjects: Biosciences, Physics, Chemistry and Forensics offered by Nottingham Trent University in UK.

Eligibility Requirement: You must be holding an NTU offer when you apply (please do not submit your scholarship application before or with your application to study at NTU).
-You must be classed as ‘overseas’ for fee purposes.
International applicants to MRes and MSc Bioscience courses starting in January 2014

Countries Eligible to Apply: International Students can apply for this scholarships. All Nationality students are eligible.

Benefit:  Half Tuition fee would be provided

How to Apply: Apply through email

Last Date for Submission of Applications: 29th November 2013 for January 2014 start courses

Link for Further Details:  Click Here
