Applications are invited for the Pasteur – Paris University International Doctoral Program to study in France. International applicants are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
International PhD Program in Life Sciences and Biomedicine
The program aims to meet the highest standards for education and training of Ph.D. students in the world. While spending most of the time working on the individual research projects in a laboratory at Institute Pasteur, students benefit from excellent scientific courses and professional development training.
In 2009, the Institute Pasteur, the world-leading biomedical research institute founded by Louis Pasteur in 1887, inaugurated the Pasteur Paris-University (PPU) international doctoral program in collaboration with several major Parisian science universities for students holding a Master degree (or equivalent) from a university outside of France and who have not worked or resided in France for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to their recruitment.
Degree Level: Scholarship is available for pursuing Doctoral programme.
Available Subject: Scholarship is awarded in Life Sciences and Biomedicine. Students conduct their research in one of the 120 laboratories of th-e Institut Pasteur that offers cutting edge training in a large variety of topics covering Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Microbiology, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Structural Biology, Enzymology and Metabolism, Biological Chemistry, Virology, Parasitology, Medical Mycology, Epidemiology, Infectiology, Imaging, Neurosciences, Developmental Biology and Systems Biology. In addition, PPU students will receive specific courses on soft skills, as Oral Presentation, Journal Club, Workshop on Ethics, French Lessons.
Scholarship Award: Students selected through the PPU receive a salary from Institute Pasteur to cover their living expenses and health insurance. The program benefits from financial support by Institute Pasteur, European Community, partner institutions, governmental agencies and private foundations.
Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for scholarship
Diploma requirement:
- Master degree or an equivalent university degree in science, medicine or related fields delivered by a university located outside of France, by the time, that the students begin the program.
- In France, a master degree corresponds to five years of academic education
- Students holding a B.A. or a B.S. acquired after four years of academic education may be considered if they have additional laboratory experience of at least 6 months, with a written final report or a publication.
- Students who already have begun doctoral training elsewhere and students with a master’s degree obtained in France are not eligible, due to our agreements with the doctoral schools of the Paris Universities.
Language: The program is run in English and therefore fluency in English is required (TOEFL or other language proficiency scores may be indicated when submitting your application). No knowledge of French is required, but a basic knowledge may be useful in the daily life outside the Institute.
Age: The PPU doctoral program does not have an age restriction, but most accepted candidates are 24-26 years old and start their Ph.D. within a year of finishing their M.S., a few within 3 years.
External funding: Candidates with external funding are eligible to enter the PPU program if the funding constitutes an employment or if the funds can be allocated to the Institut Pasteur to pay the candidate’s salary. Such candidates must go through the same application procedure and be selected by the committee.
Mobility : Students who have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in France for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the 1st day of recruitment by the PPU program (1st day of employment) are not eligible. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account. These rules are in compliance with the mobility rules of the Marie Sk?odowska-Curie actions of the H2020 program.
Thesis Advisor Eligibility
- To present a candidate to the PPU program, thesis advisors must hold an HDR (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches) diploma.
- The host laboratory must be located on the campus of the Institute Pasteur in Paris.
- The research team must be affiliated with a doctoral school of the University Paris-Descartes, the University Pierre et Marie Curie, the University Paris Diderot or the University Paris-Sud, and the advisors must not exceed the number of students allowed by their doctoral schools.
- If there are multiple scientists holding an HDR in a host laboratory, each one can propose a project and submit an application with a prospective Ph.D. candidate. However, each advisor can supervise a PPU student at a time.
Nationality: International applicants are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
Entrance Requirements: The PhD program is for students holding a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in science, medicine or related fields from a non-French university.
English language Requirements: The program is run in English and therefore fluency in English is required. TOEFL or other language proficiency scores may be indicated when submitting your application. No knowledge of French is necessary. French language classes will be part of the Ph.D. program curriculum.
How to Apply: There are 3 steps in the selection process
- Candidates choose and are chosen by a host laboratory.
A list of host laboratories and the research projects they propose is posted in the Current Call section of this website in the middle of September. Students interested in one or more research projects must contact the thesis advisor of the project(s), sending a CV and a letter of motivation. Advisors may request additional information, including reference letters and may interview some candidates by Skype. Each advisor must choose just one candidate for his/her project to present to the Admissions Committee.
Candidates are advised to contact potential host laboratories as early as possible in order to allow sufficient time for communication between the candidate and the laboratory. Since each advisor must choose only one candidate, candidates may apply to more than one laboratory. Advisors are asked to notify candidates who will not be selected as soon as possible.
The candidate selected for a project then downloads the application form from this website and fills it out in consultation with the host laboratory. Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores are welcome but not required. The completed application form must be submitted by the host laboratory; do not send the application yourself. Please note that recommendation letters will be requested and must be sent by the authors to the PPU office (
- Evaluation of written applications by the Admissions Committee.
The written applications are evaluated in December on the basis of the academic qualifications, previous research experience and scientific potential of the candidates. In general, applicants are expected to be among the top of those qualified to enter a Ph.D. program in their home country.
The Admissions Committee is composed of Institut Pasteur scientists, representatives of the Doctoral Schools (who verify that the applicant is eligible to register for a Ph.D. at a Parisian University) and members of the PPU Program Office (who are themselves also Institut Pasteur scientists). The Admissions Committee solicits written evaluations of the applications from external senior scientists who are familiar with the applicant’s national education systems. The most promising candidates are selected for an interview.
- Interview week
Selected candidates are invited for a four-day visit to the Institut Pasteur during February. Travel expenses (economy fare) and housing during the interview week are paid by the PPU program. During the visit, candidates:
- Visit the host laboratory and meet its members;
- Visit the Institut Pasteur (technical core facilities, museum, scientific library, …);
- Meet the Dean of the PPU program, the Teaching Director of the Institut Pasteur, members of the PPU Program Office, current students and other scientists working at the Institut Pasteur;
- Are interviewed by Institut Pasteur scientists who are experts in the candidate’s past and future research projects and by a member of the Human Resources Department.
- Present their Master’s degree research (results or in progress) and their Ph.D. project to the Admissions Committee which then asks questions;
- Meet all together at luncheons and dinners with students and scientists.
The Admissions Committee examines the general scientific knowledge, the past research accomplishments, the understanding of the proposed Ph.D. project, the motivation of the student, and considers the comments and advice of other interviewers. It then chooses the students to be offered admission and those to be put on a waiting list. At least 15 places are available each year. Candidates are informed of the decisions shortly after the Interview week; successful candidates are generally given 10 days to tell us whether they accept admission. Admission is highly competitive; each year many more qualified candidates apply than can be accepted.
Application Deadline: Laboratories may be contacted from now until 2nd November 2016, the sooner the better. The full applications, prepared jointly by the candidate and the laboratory, are due November 14. Interviews with selected candidates will take place January 31 – February 3, 2017. The start of the Ph.D.: October 2nd, 2017.