International Master’s Scholarships at University of Turin in Italy

International Master's Scholarships
International Master’s Scholarships at University of Turin in Italy

International Master’s Scholarships at University of Turin in Italy

International Master’s Scholarships, University of Turin is awarding 12 scholarships for international students willing to enroll in the first year of one of UniTO’s second cycle degrees, a.y. 2015-2016. Scholarships will cover enrolment taxes and living costs in Turin. The total amount of the scholarship is 9.000 euro per year, 750 euro per month for 12 months, gross of all charges for the beneficiary’s account. The last date of submission of application is 26th August 2015.

Participating Institute: University of Turin in Italy.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects available at the university.
Degree Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing master’s programme at the University of Turin.

Eligibility:  To participate in the competition is required, under penalty of exclusion, possession of all of the following requirements:

  1. regardless of the nationality of the candidates, having obtained the qualification valid access to the Master’s Degree selected in an institution external to the system and working to Italian outside of the Italian State;
  2. be in possession of the necessary requirements for access to the course of study chosen to be in the-conditions have such requirements when registering for the course of study (for more information check the entry requirements for the course of studies of interest);
  3. never having been registered previously in courses, Bachelor, Master or single-cycle Degree
    -Applicants willing to enroll in the first year of one of UniTO’s second cycle degrees, a.y. 2015-2016 can apply.
    -Applications are admitted just for the first year enrolment, applicants enrolled with a shortening of course will not be accepted. Erasmus Mundus students or MAECI (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation) scholarships beneficiaries will not be accepted

Eligible Nationalities: International students can apply for these scholarships.


What does it cover: Scholarships will cover enrollment taxes and living costs in Turin. The total amount of the scholarship is 9.000 euro per year, 750 euro per month for 12 months, gross of all charges for the beneficiary’s account. Scholarships will be granted according to the amount of credits earned as well as their weighted average. Moreover, scholarship-winning students will be required to pay only the amount of the first installment of the enrollment tax per year, and will be exempted from the second installment.

Selection Criteria: Applications will be judged by a special commission that will formulate the merit list in descending order of scor, divided by geographical allocation of grants. At constant score on the same geographical area, will have preference to the younger candidate. If for a specific area· There were enough suitable candidates, at the discretion of Commission grants will be awarded to deserving students to another area. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of the score of graduation studies valid for access the Master of Science, converted one hundred and ten, and the evaluation of the curriculum vitae and  studiorum candidates. They will also be evaluated, for the candidates who are in possession, the information and data quoted in the Diploma Supplement and the results achieved in the GRE test (Revised enerai Test).

Notification: Applicants will be notified in September 2015. The lists will be published in September 2015 on the University website.

Application Procedure: Applications must be submitted by one of the following ways:

  1. Delivery by e-mail containing the application form duly completed and all required supporting documents in PDF format.
  2. By hand to the Office for Foreign Students and Translations

Application Form

Deadline: The last date of submission of application is 26th August 2015.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

Read more: Scholarships in Italy 
