Imperial College London is offering research fellowships for UK and international applicants. These fellowships are intended for early career postdoctoral researchers of demonstrated ability and high potential.
Imperial’s prestigious Imperial College Research Fellowships sustain the brightest and best early career researchers from across the world, providing a level of commitment and support that is rare from a UK university.
Imperial College London is the only UK university to focus entirely on science, engineering, medicine and business. International reputation for excellence in teaching and research sees us consistently rated in the top 10 universities worldwide.
Imperial College London considers IELTS scores [6.5 overall (minimum 6.0 in all elements)and 7.0 overall (minimum 6.5 in all elements)]to be valid for 2 years. Scores must be valid at the beginning of their studies at Imperial if their application is successful.
Degree Level: Fellowships are intended for early career postdoctoral researchers of demonstrated ability and high potential.
Available Subject: Fellowships are available in all subject areas that have a strong research base at Imperial College London within the Faculties of Engineering, Medicine and Natural Sciences and the Business School.
Scholarship Award: Imperial College Research Fellows will receive a fellowship which includes:
- A competitive salary,
- Research and travel expenses of up to £45,000,
- Personal mentoring support from a senior Imperial academic,
- Focussed careers support, training courses, and development opportunities from the College’s Postdoc Development Centre,
- The chance to take full responsibility for setting and directing your own research agenda.
Scholarship can be taken in the UK
- There are no restrictions on nationality; however applicants will be required to provide evidence of thier eligibility to work in the UK before commencing any fellowship offered.
- Applicants should have a PhD and will normally have no more than four years postdoctoral research experience in an academic environment (calculated from the PhD viva to the application deadline) – exceptions to this can include discipline hopping, where there must still be less than four years postdoctoral research experience in the discipline of the proposed fellowship; career breaks and career changes, where time spent out of the academic research environment will not be counted in the four years.
- In exceptional cases, applicants applying to the Faculty of Engineering and Imperial College Business School are permitted to apply before the submission of the PhD but any offer of funding will be dependent on the PhD being awarded before the start of the fellowship.
- For applications to the Faculties of Natural Sciences and Medicine, a PhD must have been submitted before an application is made and the PhD must be awarded before the start of the fellowship.
Nationality: UK and international students can apply for these scholarships.
How to apply: Candidates who are interested in applying for an Imperial College Research Fellowship must contact their proposed sponsor and proposed sponsoring department as soon as possible, to discuss their intentions to apply.
- Applicant needs to submit a completed application form.
- Applicants should submit a completed application form by 11.59pm (GMT) 12 September 2016.
- The application form has six sections. Applicants need to complete Sections 1-2 and 5-6, which covers personal details, funding request, research proposal and CV.
- The agreed Imperial College sponsor needs to complete Section 3.
- If appropriate, the Francis Crick Insitute co-sponsor should complete section 4.
- Please provide answers in English within the text boxes, keep within the dedicated margins, and do not exceed the word limit and page restrictions as indicated on the form.
- Please refer to monetary values in £ pounds sterling.
- Please complete the form using Arial 11pt.
- Applications without the required signatures will not be accepted.
- Once all necessary sections have been filled, the application should be reviewed and signed by the relevant Imperial College Head of Department as confirmation that the department is willing to host the fellow.
- Each application must be accompanied by a confidential letter of support / reference, usually from the applicant’s current institution. Where the current institution is Imperial, the letter of support must be provided by someone other than the proposed sponsor or host Head of Department.
Application Deadline: The deadline for applications is 12 September 2016.