Healthy Everyday Competition, Interaction Design ,Domus Academy ,Italy


Healthy Everyday Competition, Interaction Design ,Domus Academy ,Italy

Domus Academy offers Healthy Everyday Competition to pursue master in  Interaction Design for September 2013. The Scholarship competition is  open for applicants with an educational background and/or professional  experience in product design, visual and graphic design, media and web design,  architecture, computer science, engineering, communication science, psychology  and sociology. Three scholarships of 70% , 50% and 30% of the total tuition  fee of the Master Program are offered as prizes. Projects must be sent  to the by e-mail and post till 3rd May 2013.

Study Subject(s): The scholarship is provided to pursue  Master’s in Interaction Design. The Master Program in Interaction Design  integrates Information and digital technology potential,  design sensitivity and business mind set to generate an interactive  design product. Course Level: This scholarship is for  pursuing Masters degree level at Domus Academy in Italy. Scholarship  Provider: Domus Academy Scholarship can be taken  at: Italy

Eligibility:Candidates holding a first-level academic  diploma or BA degree, or about to graduate within the academic year 2011/12 and  with a knowledge of the English language (IEL TS 5.0 academic or equivalent  certificate minimum).

Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: The  International students can apply for this scholarship.

Domus Academy

Scholarship Description: If you are interested in  developing interdisciplinary skills focused on conceptualizing, designing  and evaluating innovative solutions interweaving the world of  interaction and digital communication to Design culture and you  had developed an educational and/or professional path in interaction  design or other relevant design-related fields, send us your portfolio of  projects and works and your project proposal for a Healthy  Everyday. The project can be a device, service, or application  that exploring contemporary manifold Health dimensions demonstrates  the potentialities of interactive digital technologies in the specific  field.

Number of awards offered: Three scholarships are  offered.

Duration of award(s): Scholarships are awarded on  total tuition fee of Master Program

What does it cover? One scholarship covering 70% of the  total tuition fee of the Master Program. One scholarship covering 50% of the  total tuition fee of the Master Program. One scholarship covering 30% of the  total tuition fee of the Master Program.

Selection Criteria: Not Known

Notification: Candidates will be informed about the  results of the competition by e-mail on 17th May 2013.

How to Apply: Projects in digital format must be sent by  e-mail to Paper works must be sent  by post. Participants can choose the presentation technique that better  express their skills (they can use hand sketches, digital illustrations, 3D  renderings, etc): maximum 5 A3 boards in .PDF or .TIFF files. -Short written  description of the project: maximum 1 A4 page. -Curriculum vitae of the  participant: maximum 1 A4 page -Statement of purpose: maximum 5 lines on an  A4 page. – Domus Academy Application Form* The candidates are asked to  send their materials in one sole file in .PDF format. Any further attached  material will be considered a plus and will be evaluated by the jury. *  Application fee is waived for competition participants

Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for  applications is 3rd May 2013.

Further  Official Scholarship Information and Application
