Scholarship Description: Applications are invited for Grenoble Quantum Engineering (GreQue) Doctoral Scholarship program in France.
The QuEnG doctoral program is funded by the Idex-UGA and aims to foster a pluridisciplinary ecosystem for quantum technologies. It will provide the laureates with a double training involving fundamental research in top-level laboratories and strong industrial exposure through internships within our network of industrial partners.
About University: Quantum engineering is a novel domain of research, built on fundamental research carried out in the last 20 years all over the world. Grenoble Alps University is a public university in Grenoble, France. It is the third largest university in France with about 45,000 students and over 3,000 researchers.
Degree Level: Scholarships are available to pursue doctoral programme.
Available Subject: The topics include experimental and theoretical aspects of
- Nanoelectronics,
- Superconductive Qbits,
- Spintronics,
- Photonics
- Computer Science
Scholarship Benefits: The salary is 1758 €/month before tax for 3 years. From 1769 euros/month (without teaching) to 2100 euros/month (with teaching) before taxes, with additional research grants ranging from 5 k€ to 40 k€.
Number of Scholarships: GreQuE novel Doctoral Program will grant 25 PhD projects spread over 4 calls in 2017 and 2018.
Eligibility: Applicants have to meet the following main criteria:
- Outstanding or Excellent Master’s degree or equivalent qualification
- Capacity or good previous knowledge in Quantum Computing, Quantum Technology, Philosophy or Sociology of Science, Mathematics
- Outstanding references
Eligible Nationalities: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Application Procedure: Follow the steps below to apply:
- You must have found a PhD project that will be supported and supervised by one (or more) researcher(s) based in one of the following laboratories: Institut Néel, INAC, LPMMC, LNCMI, LIG and Institut Fourier
- Download the PhD program application form
- With the help of your thesis supervisor, you must fill in this application form with all requested details
- You must contact us at greque-at-neel.cnrs.frin order to inform us of your intention to apply to the PhD program. We will make sure your application matches the program requirements.
- Save as PDF each document: Application form / CV / exam results / diplomas….
- Merge all these PDFs into ONE single.PDF file
- Send by email this that final PDF file to greque-at-neel.cnrs.before 2017, October 5, 11:59 am (Paris time).
- You must request (at least) two recommendation letters based on the template included at the end of the application form (section F). These letters must be sent by your referee himself/herself directly to before 2017, October 5, 11.59 am (Paris time).
- Selected students will receive convocation for the interview and instructions to prepare their travel and stay in Grenoble. All travel/accommodation expenses will be covered by LANEF for 3 days/2 nights. This will provide enough time to each applicant to visit their hosting laboratory and to finalize their oral presentation together with their future thesis supervisor. Non-selected applicants will receive a short feedback report within 2 weeks.
Deadline: The deadline for the second call is 2017, October 5, 2017.