Gordon F. Henderson Postdoctoral Scholarship at University of Ottawa in Canada


Gordon F. Henderson Postdoctoral Scholarship at University of Ottawa in Canada

Gordon F. Henderson Postdoctoral Scholarship at University of Ottawa in Canada

The Human Rights Research and Education Centre at the University of Ottawa is offering postdoctoral scholarship for Canadian and non-Canadian students. Candidates who have obtained their doctorate from the University of Ottawa or through a joint degree program with the University of Ottawa are not eligible for the program. The scholarship of a value of $42,000 will be paid according to terms to be agreed between the post doctoral fellow and the HRREC. January 31, 2014 is the application deadline.

Study Subject (s): Scholarship is provided to learn any of the courses offered by the University of Ottawa in Canada. Course Level: The scholarship is available for pursuing postdoctoral degree level at University of Ottawa in Canada. Scholarship Provider: University of Ottawa, Canada

Scholarship can be taken at: Canada

Eligibility: Will have obtained a doctoral degree no more than five years prior to January 31, 2014. Candidates who have obtained their doctorate from the University of Ottawa or through a joint degree program with the University of Ottawa are not eligible for the program; Agrees to work at the HRREC for the full period of the scholarship; Agrees to contribute to the development and scholarly activities of the HRREC by engaging in an original research program which is distinct from the research he or she has previously undertaken. The scholarship competition is open to both Canadian citizens and non-citizens. Candidates must demonstrate that they are likely to obtain permission to reside in Canada for the period of one year. The scholarship of a value of $42,000 will be paid according to terms to be agreed between the post doctoral fellow and the HRREC. The scholarship is considered to be revenue by the Canadian Revenue Agency. The successful candidate will not, however, be considered be a salaried employee of the institution. A research fund of $5000 will be made available to the post doctoral fellow.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Canadian and non-Canadian students can apply for this scholarship.

Scholarship Description: The Gordon F. Henderson Post Doctoral Scholarship is offered to a young researcher with a promising and innovative research project which falls within mandate of the Centre and who will benefit from developing that project at the HRREC. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to the proposed research project will be given preference.

Number of award(s): Not Known

Duration of award(s): Scholarship will be offered for one year.

What does it cover? The scholarship of a value of $42,000 will be paid according to terms to be agreed between the post doctoral fellow and the HRREC. The scholarship is considered to be revenue by the Canadian Revenue Agency. The successful candidate will not, however, be considered be a salaried employee of the institution. A research fund of $5000 will be made available to the post doctoral fellow.

Selection Criteria: Not Known

Notification: Not Known

How to Apply: The mode of applying is by post.

Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is January 31, 2014.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
