Germany TU Dresden Doc­to­ral Scho­lar­ship for EU and Non-EU Students 2018 2019


Germany TU Dresden Doc­to­ral Scho­lar­ship for EU and Non-EU Students 2018 2019

Scholarship Description: TU Dresden at the Depart­ment of Forest Sci­en­ces, Insti­tute of Inter­na­tio­nal Fore­stry and Forest Pro­ducts, Chair of Tro­pi­cal Fore­stry is inviting applications for doctoral scholarship for EU and Non-EU students.

Scholarship Provider: The TU Dres­den is one of ele­ven Ger­man uni­ver­si­ties that were iden­ti­fied as an “excel­lence uni­ver­sity”. TUD has about 36.500 stu­dents and almost 5319 employees, 507 pro­fes­sors among them, and, thus, is the lar­gest uni­ver­sity in Sax­ony, today. The TU Dresden is one of eleven German Universities of Excellence since June 2012. This distinction confirms the potential of one of Germany’s largest technical universities. But it is also an incentive and a guiding principle to stay and become even more “excellent”.

Degree Level: Scholarship is available to pursue doctoral degree programme.

Available Subject: Scholarship is awarded for a Doc­to­ral Scho­lar­ship for the rese­arch topic: “Wood and bam­boo pro­duc­tion-dri­ven land­scape resto­ra­tion under REDD+: The case of pri­vate sec­tor-com­mu­nity part­nerships in Nghe an and Than Hoa pro­vin­ces, Viet­nam”.

Scholarship Benefits: The scho­lar­ship is 1,200 Euro per month. The fun­ding period is 36 months.

Eligible Nationalities: Available to EU and Non-EU students are available to apply for this scholarship.

Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:

The can­di­date should have a uni­ver­sity degree (Mas­ter) with excel­lent or good per­for­mance in fore­stry or other disci­pli­nes rela­ted to the pro­po­sed rese­arch. Rese­arch / work expe­ri­ence in the tro­pics or sub­tro­pics, with pre­fe­rence in SE Asia, and sci­en­ti­fic publi­ca­ti­ons are an asset. Pro­fi­ci­ent Eng­lish lan­guage skills, oral and writ­ten, is requi­red, other lan­guage com­pe­tence (Viet­na­mese, Ger­man) is an advan­tage, as well as good inter­cul­tu­ral com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills and social com­pe­tence, pre­fe­r­a­bly in the Asian con­text. The suc­cess­ful can­di­date should be highly moti­va­ted and wil­ling to spend several months in the rese­arch sites.

Language Requirements: Applicants must have German (good knowledge of the language).

Application Procedure: App­li­ca­ti­ons from women are par­ti­cu­larly wel­come. The same app­lies to people with disa­bi­li­ties.
Please send your app­li­ca­tion with the usual docu­ment copies until 13.07.2018 (stam­ped arri­val date app­lies) pre­fe­r­a­bly via the TU Dres­den Secu­re­ Mail Por­tal as a sin­gle pdf docu­ment.

Scholarship Link

Deadline: July 13, 2018
