Fully-Funded PhD Studentships, Applications are invited for two fully funded international PhD studentships within Plymouth University’s Marine Institute funded by UK Seabed Resources Ltd. The eligible applicants must be from a developing nation, will be based in Plymouth UK and be able to participate in extended research cruises. Both studentships will start on 1 October 2015, each with a duration of four years. The application deadline is 15 June 2015.
Participating Institute: Plymouth University Marine Institute, UK Seabed Resources Ltd is providing these Studentships.
Study Subject: The subjects of the two PhDs are:
- The application of predictive modelling to marine spatial planning associated with deep-sea mining.
- A new look at the critical material potential of polymetallic nodules using advanced imaging techniques.
Degree Level: Studentships are available for pursuing PhD programme at the Plymouth University Marine Institute.
- Candidates for the PhD training programme in polymetallic nodules should hold a degree and masters qualification in a relevant subject such as geology/earth sciences, geochemistry, chemistry, mineralogy or environmental science, or equivalent education acceptable to Plymouth University.
- Candidates for the PhD training programme in deep sea marine biology should hold a degree and masters qualification in a relevant subject, preferably marine biology, or equivalent education acceptable to Plymouth University. It is desirable that the candidate have work experience in a relevant field, such as experience of undertaking benthic surveys, use of GIS, statistical modelling, and/or skills in species identification. The ability to be able to go to sea for up to two months is highly recommended.
- Both candidates should also meet the entry requirements for Plymouth University, have the ability to read and write English to a level of at least IELTS 6.5 (with a minimum 5.5 in each category, reading, writing, listening and speaking), be in good health, and be able to provide two satisfactory written reports from academic referees.
Eligible Nationalities: Applicants from developing nation (Afghanistan, Guatemala, Pakistan, Albania, Guinea, Palau, Algeria, Guinea-Bisau, Panama, Angola, Guyana, Papua New Guinea, Argentina, Haiti, Paraguay, Armenia, Honduras, Peru, Azerbaijan, India, Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Romania, Belarus, Iran, Islamic Rep., Rwanda, Belize, Iraq, Samoa, Benin, Jamaica, São Tomé and Principe, Bhutan, Jordan, Senegal, Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kenya, Seychelles (Transitional), Botswana, Kiribati, Sierra Leone, Brazil, Korea, Dem Rep., Solomon Islands, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Somalia, Burkina Faso, Kyrgyz Republic, South Africa, Burundi, Lao PDR, South Sudan, Cabo Verde, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Lesotho, St. Lucia, Cameroon, Liberia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Central African Republic, Libya, Sudan, Chad, Macedonia, FYR, Suriname, China, Madagascar, Swaziland, Colombia, Malawi, Syrian Arab Republic, Comoros, Malaysia, Tajikistan, Congo, Dem. Rep, Maldives, Tanzania, Congo, Rep., Mali, Thailand, Costa Rica, Marshall Islands, Timor-Leste, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Togo, Cuba, Mauritius, Tonga, Djibouti, Mayotte, Tunisia, Dominica, Mexico, Turkey, Dominican Republic, Micronesia, Fed. Sts., Turkmenistan, Ecuador, Moldova, Tuvalu, Egypt, Arab Rep., Mongolia, Uganda, El Salvador, Montenegro, Ukraine, Eritrea, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Vanuatu, Fiji, Myanmar, Vietnam, Gabon, Namibia, Palestine, State of , Gambia, The, Nepal, Yemen, Rep., Georgia, Nicaragua, Zambia, Ghana, Niger, Zimbabwe, Grenada and Nigeria) can apply for these fully funded studentships.
What does it cover: There are two fully funded studentships offered.
Application Procedure: To apply email a CV and covering letter to Francesca Niedzielski (studentship 1), or Sharon Healy (studentship 2). The CV must include the names and contact details of two academic references. Applicants must also send a nomination form to Plymouth (not the ISA at this stage) that should be completed by a senior official of an institution (e.g. university) or government authority.
Deadline: The last date of submission of application is 15 June 2015.