For Kenyans Hillcrest Secondary School Scholarships 2019

African Great Lakes Reporting Fellowship
For Kenyans Hillcrest Secondary School Scholarships 2019

For Kenyans Hillcrest Secondary School Scholarships 2019

Scholarship awards are offered by Hillcrest Secondary School for entry to Year 9 (13 years) for access to our IGCSE program and Year 12 / Sixth Form (16 years) for access to our A-Level and BTEC courses.

In line with our Vision ‘for every child to achieve personal excellence as a valuable member of our global community’, these awards are intended to recognize the potential for excellence in a range of areas.  Candidates are also expected to demonstrate personal determination and show evidence of independent thinking, curiosity and respect in line with our values.

At Hillcrest, students can pursue their interests and passions through a broad selection of A-Levels courses – with 21 subjects offered, as well as through BTECs courses – with 5 options offered from September 2018, or through a combination of the two-course types.

Application deadline: 5 November 2018

Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue the undergraduate program.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in all disciplines of academic study.

Scholarship Award:  Scholarships normally equate to a reduction of between 10% and 25% of the tuition fees for the successful applicants.

Eligible Countries: Scholarship is available for local students.

Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be normally resident in Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda
  • Must show evidence of strong leadership capabilities in four areas:
  • Academic excellence;
  • Achievement in sport, music, or drama;
  • Social Influence & Communication;
  • Capacity to study independently overseas
  • Commitment to return to the home country within 1 month of degree completion
  • Annual Gross Household Income must not exceed US$100,000

Application Procedure:

How to Apply: The mode of apply for the scholarship is online.

Scholarship Link
