ETH Zurich Research Grants, Switzerland 2016

ETH Zurich Research Grants
ETH Zurich Research Grants, Switzerland 2016

ETH Zurich Research Grants, Switzerland 2016

ETH Zurich Research Grants, Switzerland 2016

Applications are invited for ETH Zurich Research Grants for international applicants. in Switzerland. Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this programme. ETH Zurich Research Grants are intended to promote highly creative and original research at ETH Zurich that may result in fundamental new knowledge or technologies.  ETH Zurich promotes world-class research that may result in fundamental new knowledge or technologies via a competitive internal Research Grant Program. Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.

  • Grants are available for pursuing research programme.
  • ETH Zurich promotes world-class research that may result in fundamental new knowledge or technologies via a competitive internal Research Grant Program. In the focus of the ETH Grants, funding programme is innovative projects in all fields of science and engineering represented at ETH Zurich, typically involving a single ETH Zurich Principal Investigator (PI) and supporting a single doctoral student. However, larger interdisciplinary proposals involving several ETH Zurich groups are also eligible for consideration.
  • The typical ETH Grant will comprise one Ph.D. student with funding for the salary and for material costs. Requests for more than one doctoral student per Principal Investigator need to be well justified. Post-doctoral research positions will be funded only exceptionally. The maximum funding level for a project requesting support for a single ETH Zurich research group is CHF 500’000 over 3 years. Funding for interdisciplinary endeavors involving two or more ETH research groups is limited to a maximum of CHF 1’500’000 per project.

Scholarship can be taken in the Switzerland

Eligibility Criteria: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for these Grants

  • A grant application may be submitted by a PI and, where appropriate, one or more co-applicants. The PI of a grant application must be an ETH Zurich employee with at least an earned doctorate or equivalent qualification and at least a 50 % ETH Zurich position, which must be guaranteed for the intended duration of the project. Assistant professors, whose employment formally ends before the planned duration of the project, may submit an application under specific conditions and must contact the Office of Research in advance of the submission.
  • The formal doctoral supervisor (“Leiter / Leiterin der Doktorarbeit”) must either be the PI or a co-applicant or s/he must submit a letter of support confirming that s/he will take formal responsibility for the doctoral student. The formal doctoral supervisor must also have a guaranteed ETH Zurich position for the duration of the proposed project.
  • In general, the co-applicants will also be ETH Zurich employees. External co-applicants can be considered if the project involves a substantial collaboration with a non-ETH Zurich group. However, external co-applicants cannot receive funding from the ETH Grants program.
  • PIs are, in general, required to hold at least one other substantial, peer-reviewed, active external grant (e.g., from the SNSF or EU). Exceptions to this rule are ETH researchers who hold a career-development grant or fellowship (e.g., recipients of “SNF-Förderungsprofessuren”). Non-tenured professors who have just arrived at ETH Zurich are also exempt from the rule in their first year, but it is expected that they submit a substantial grant to an external funding agency in parallel to the internal submission.Submissions from Research Assistants (“Kategorie Postdoktorandinnen und Postdoktoranden” and “Kategorie Oberassistentinnen und Oberassistenten”) may be accepted, even if they do not hold another external grant, but the request must be justified and employment must be guaranteed for the planned duration of the project (see above).

Who May Not Submit an Application?

  • Researchers who do not have at least a 50% ETH Zurich position at the Research Assistant or higher level, doctoral students, prospective doctoral students, and employees who do not have guaranteed ETH Zurich positions for the entire duration of the proposed projects (e.g., professors who are about to retire) are not eligible to apply for ETH Grants. Separate rules apply to joint professors (e.g., with the UZH).
  • A single PI must not submit more than one proposal per call. In case a PI holds active ETH Grants, each additional application in subsequent calls will be evaluated more stringently according to the review criteria

Eligible Nationalities: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this programme.

Entrance Requirements: The PI of a grant application must be an ETH Zurich employee with at least an earned doctorate or equivalent qualification and at least a 50 % ETH Zurich position, which must be guaranteed for the intended duration of the project

English language Requirements: Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.

Application Procedure: The mode of application is online.

Applicants have to send the following documents along with the application form

  • A one-page Curriculum Vitae (CV) with a list of publications of the past five years is required of the PI, co-applicants, and any named doctoral student or post-doctoral researcher to be funded by the project.
  • A two- to three-page final report for each ETH-funded project of the PI that was completed within a period of three years prior to the grant application. For details, see the final report form in the file download area at
  • A list of active grants and submitted grant applications of the PI and the ETH Zurich co-applicants. This list should include the PI’s and co-applicants’ names, the titles of the projects, the funds granted or requested, the project periods, and the granting agencies.
  • A list of at least five suggested external reviewers be entered via the web-based submission system. The suggested external reviewers should be independent of the PI, co-applicants, and any person who may receive funding as a result of the grant application. The suggested external reviewers should not be (i) close colleagues and collaborators, (ii) former supervisors, (iii) co-authors of recent publications, (iv) co-editors of journals or books or (v) co-investigators of other grant applications. In general, the suggested external reviewers should not be employees of ETH Zurich or the University of Zurich. The Executive of the ETH Zurich Research Commission will seek to obtain reviews from a selection of the suggested external reviewers and other experts in the relevant research field(s). To maintain confidentiality and avoid bias, the names of the external reviewers selected by the Executive of the Research Commission are not released to the other members of the ETH Zurich Research Commission.
  • Exceptionally, applicants may provide a list of researchers whom they consider to be inappropriate external reviewers. Such a list should state the reasons for excluding the potential external reviewers.
  • Price quotes for expensive materials and services. Of the above documents, only the CVs, bibliographies and cost estimates will be forwarded with the applications for external review.

Application Form Link


There are ETH Grant submission deadlines per year, is September 1.

Scholarship Link
