EPFL Excellence Fellowship for Master students 2022 – Government of Switzerland

EPFL Excellence Fellowship for Master students 2022 – Government of Switzerland

EPFL Excellence Fellowship for Master students 2022 – Government of Switzerland

EPFL offers a limited number of fellowships at master’s level to students with outstanding academic records. Anyone applying to an EPFL master’s program is eligible. The selection of candidates and the granting of the fellowships are based on the evaluation of the academic records of the candidates. The fellowship Committee, comprising members of the EPFL sections representatives of the Associate Vice-Presidencies for Student Affaires and Outreach as well as for Education and representatives from other school services, selects the candidates. The selection process is very competitive, only about 3% of the master students receive such financial support. Some fellowships are funded by EPFL directly while others are funded through partnerships with foundations or private companies.

These guidelines aim at providing all necessary details for EPFL excellence fellowship holders to prepare for their master’s and to meet performance expectations. The Student Affairs (SAE), located in the BP building, manage the fellowships. For any queries or clarification, please contact [email protected]
