Environmental Economics Mäler Research Scholarships, Sweden
Applications are invited for Mäler research scholarships from researchers to spend up to four months at the Beijer Institute. The scholarship is intended for early-career researchers in environmental economics from developing regions of the world who already have a PhD or are currently enrolled in a PhD program and will finish within 1-2 years. It covers travel costs to and from Stockholm and provides a monthly allowance for lodging and meals. The application deadline is 30 October 2015.
Subject Offered: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Environmental Economics. The research focus of the applicant during the stay should relate closely to at least one of the Beijer Institute’s research programs.
Degree Level: Scholarships are available for undertaking research at the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics.
Participating Institution(s): Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida in Sweden.
Eligibility: The scholarship is intended for early-career researchers in environmental economics from developing regions of the world who already have a PhD or are currently enrolled in a PhD program and will finish within 1-2 years. Preference is given to researchers affiliated with four regional environmental economics networks—CEEPA, EEPSEA, LACEEP, and SANDEE—and the EfD centers. Others are welcome to apply.
Eligible Nationalities: Researchers from developing regions are eligible to apply for these research scholarships.
Scholarship Benefit: It covers travel costs to and from Stockholm and provides a monthly allowance for lodging and meals.
Application Procedure for Environmental Economics Mäler Research Scholarships, Sweden
Application Prcedure: Applicants should e-mail a document containing the following information to Christina Leijonhufvud (Beijer administrator; chris-at-beijer.kva.se) by October 30, 2015.
-Part 1 (maximum 1 page)—A description of the research the applicant would like to conduct while at Beijer, including the names of Beijer researchers the applicant would like to interact with and a discussion of how the time spent at Beijer is expected to contribute to the applicant’s professional development.
-Part 2 (maximum 5 pages)—An up-to-date CV that provides information on the applicant’s education (including short courses), positions held, publications, grants, and professional activities, including any prior activities related to theBeijer Institute or to CEEPA, EEPSEA, LACEEP, SANDEE, or the EfD centers.
-Part 3 (maximum 1 page)—A proposed schedule showing the approximate dates when the applicant would like to be in residence at Beijer. The residency must be for a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 6 months, with longer visits encouraged. It can be divided into two separate visits. The time-span when they can accept scholars at the Institute is January 2016 – June 2016 and August 2016-December 2016.
Please note that this material should be included in a single document, not three separate ones. Applications must be from individuals. Group applications will not be considered.
Deadline: The application deadline is 30 October 2015.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
More about Environmental Economics Mäler Research Scholarships, Sweden
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Swedish: Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete,Sida) is a government agency of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Sida is responsible for organization of the bulk of Sweden’sofficial development assistance to developing countries.
The Mäler Scholarship, launched with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida, is intended for researchers from the Regional Networks in Environmental Economics, CEEPA, EEPSEA, LACEEP, SANDEE. With this scholarship The Beijer Institute wishes to support the Networks in creating increased capacity in their respective regions in using ecological economics for analyzing environment and development issues.