Eira Davies Scholarship For Developing Countries, UK


Eira Davies Scholarship For Developing Countries, UK

Eira Davies Scholarship For Developing Countries, UK

Swansea University offers Eira Davies Scholarship to undertake undergraduate or taught master’s postgraduate degree programin 2016-2017 academic session. Applicants of developing countries are eligible to apply for this scholarship.University offers a number of general and subject-specific funding schemes. The aim of the scholarships is to attract the best and most motivated people to Swansea University.The University’s foundation stone was laid by King George V on 19 July 1920. Swansea University has a clear vision to be a research-led university of international quality.

Applicant must prove your knowledge of the English language when you apply. This usually means passing a secure English language test (SELT).

Degree Level: Scholarships are provided for undergraduate or postgraduate studies at Swansea University.

Subject Offered: Undergraduate or Postgraduate scholarships are available within the College of Human and Health Sciences in 2016-2017.

List of Subjects : Human and Health Sciences

Eligibility: The scholarship is awarded broadly on the demonstrating academic excellence and evidence of financial need. To be eligible to apply:

  1. For undergraduate courses, applicants are expected to achieve 3 A and/or B grades at A-Level or equivalent (excluding General Studies) and 5 A and/or B grades at GCSE level or equivalent. For Postgraduate Taught courses, applicants should have a minimum of a 2:1 Bachelors degree (or equivalent). In the case of all applicants, their English language ability must meet any stipulated condition of offer and UKBA requirements.
  2. Candidates must be new, full-time, degree seeking, non-EU applicants
  3. Candidates must have completed an application to study and accepted the offer of a place at Swansea University with the College of Human and Health Sciences
  4. Candidates must show strong academic ability and financial need
  5. Candidates should not be eligible for other financial support from Swansea University e.g. tuition fee reductions through collaborative links or bursaries Please note that students progressing from ICWS are not eligible to apply for an International Scholarship

Eligible Nationalities: Female students ordinarily resident in a developing country are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

List of Countries: Afghanistan Gambia, The Myanmar, Bangladesh, Guinea, Nepal, Benin, Guinea-Bisau, Niger, Burkina Faso, Haiti, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Korea, Dem Rep., Somalia, Central African Republic, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Chad, Liberia, Tanzania, Comoros, Madagascar, Togo, Congo, Dem. Rep, Malawi, Uganda, Eritrea, Mali, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Angola, India, Sao Tome and Principe, Armenia, Iraq, Senegal, Belize, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Bhutan, Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Bolivia, Lao PDR, Sudan, Cameroon, Lesotho, Swaziland, Cape Verde, Marshall Islands, Syrian Arab Republic, Congo, Rep., Mauritania, Timor-Leste, Ivory Coast, Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Tonga, Djibouti, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Egypt, Arab Rep., Mongolia, Tuvalu, El Salvador, Morocco, Ukraine, Fiji Nicaragua, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Nigeria, Vanuatu, Ghana, Pakistan, Vietnam, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, West Bank and Gaza, Guyana, Paraguay, Yemen, Rep., Honduras, Philippines, Zambia, Indonesia and Samoa

College Admission Requirement:

All applications for full-time undergraduate degrees and Higher National Diplomas must be made through UCAS, the Universities Colleges and Admissions Service. You should also use UCAS if you wish to transfer from one university to another.  To be considered for postgraduate study you must satisfy the University’s general entry requirements as well as any specific requirements for your chosen programme.

English Language Requirement : Applicant must prove your knowledge of the English language when you apply. This usually means passing a secure English language test (SELT).

Scholarship Benefit: The Eira Francis Davies Scholarship is a full tuition fee scholarship, and will be awarded to students demonstrating academic excellence and evidence of financial need.

Requirements: When applying for a postgraduate degree be sure to include the following:

  • A fully completed application form
  • 2 references
  • A Resume (CV)
  • A Personal Statement
  • Copy of qualifications to date, ie degree certificate and transcripts
  • English language score (IELTS,TOEFL etc) if available
    These documents should be sent to the Admissions Office along with your application.

Application Procedure for Eira Davies Scholarship For Developing Countries, UK

Application Procedure: The scholarship application forms must be sent via e-mail.

 Application Form

Deadline: The closing date for application is 1st July 2016.

Scholarship Link

More about Eira Davies Scholarship For Developing Countries, UK

Eira Davies ScholarshipSwansea University (Welsh: Prifysgol Abertawe) is a public research university located in Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom. It currently offers about 330 undergraduate courses and 120 post-graduate courses to 14,820 undergraduate and postgraduate students. It was chartered as University College of Swansea in 1920, as the fourth college of the University of Wales and in 1948 became the first campus university in UK. In 1996, it changed its name to the University of Wales Swansea following structural changes within the University of Wales.
