CO-FUNDED Research Fellowships in Turkey (TÜBITAK) 2015

CO-FUNDED Research Fellowships
CO-FUNDED Research Fellowships in Turkey (TÜBITAK) 2015

CO-FUNDED Research Fellowships in Turkey (TÜBITAK) 2015

CO-FUNDED Research Fellowships for all nationalities Researchers, Applications are invited for Turkey fellowship program from experienced researchers of any nationality. The duration of fellowship is 20-24 months. For organizational reasons, the fellowships following the fourth call will have a 12 months duration. The research topics are chosen freely by the applicant fellow and the host organization in a flexible manner. The host institution must be a university, research institute or industrial company in Turkey. Research institutes may be established in academia and industry. The last date of submission of application is 21st of September

Participating Institute: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

Study Subject: The research topics are chosen freely by the applicant fellow and the host organization in a flexible manner. Accordingly, all research and technological development (RTD) domains addressed under the EC Treaty are eligible for funding.
Degree Level: Fellowships are available for pursuing research.
Scholarship Provider: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK) (The Programme is a Co-Funding Scheme and supported by TÜBITAK and The Marie Curie Action COFUND of the 7th. Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission).


  1. Co-Circulation fellowship is directed exclusively towards experienced researchers. To be granted a TÜBITAK Co-Circulation Fellowship and fulfill its experience requirements, an applicant  must either have a Ph.D degree or have at least 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience.
  2. In addition, researchers must be non-residing in Turkey for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the relevant deadline for submission of proposals
  3. The applicants, who are currently supported any of TÜBITAK programs and EU 7th. Framework Program, Marie Curie Actions are not eligible to apply TÜBITAK Co-Circulation Fellowship.
  4. The host institution must be a university, research institute or industrial company in Turkey. Research institutes may be established in academia and industry.

Eligible Nationalities: Researchers may be of any nationality.


What does it cover:  The gross salary for the fellow will be 4167 € (living allowance + travel and mobility allowance) for experienced researcher with less than 10 years of experience and 4792 € for senior researchers with more than 10 years of experience (the values are subject to income and payroll tax deductions). A yearly 7200 € research cost contribution is managed by the hosting institution for the expenses related to the participation of the researchers in research and training activities.

Selection Criteria: The proposal will be evaluated according to the following 5 evaluation criteria:

  1.  Scientific and Technological Quality,
  2.  Research Potential of the Fellow,
  3.  Training and Career Development Aspects of the Fellowship,
  4.  Implementation of the Proposed Fellowship and
  5.  Impact of the Proposed Fellowship to Turkish Research Area (TRA) and European Research Area (ERA).

Notification: Applicants will be notified within 10 weeks after the deadline.

Application Procedure: The mode of applying is online. Applicants will be asked to complete an ethical issues table (identical to the Ethics Issues table in FP7 projects) in Ethical Issues Table section of their proposal. Proposals that have not filled the ethical issues table will be rejected in the eligibility check phase. In this table, applicants must declare whether any of the activities specified in the table will be conducted during the lifetime of the project. Fellows wishing to carry out research that requires ethical approval are required to address these issues, and to describe in an ethical report how they propose to deal with the ethical issues. Furthermore, the researchers will be required to provide an official approval from the ethical board of the hosting institution. Both documents must be submitted to the Call Secretariat, along with a declaration that all research activities will be in compliance with fundamental ethical principles. If the hosting institution of the researcher does not have its own ethics committee, the researcher is requested to obtain the approval of geographically the closest ethical committee.

Deadline: The last date of submission of application is 21st of September.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

Read more: Scholarships in Turkey
