Autism Scholars Awards for Canadian Students 2015-2016
Council of Ontario Universities is offering Autism Scholars Awards for academic year 2015-2016. Awards are open for Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Up to one award at the Master’s level and the Doctoral level will be made for academic year 2015-2016. Duration of the awards is for one year and awards value for masters programme $18,000 and doctoral programme $20,000. The application deadline is 1 December, 2014.
- Scholarship is awarded in all subjects.
- Scholarship is awarded for master and doctoral degree program at an Ontario university.
- Council of Ontario Universities are providing this Scholarship.
-All applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada as of the application deadline date (January 30, 2015).
-All applicants must be sponsored and endorsed by the Dean of Graduate Studies at the Ontario University at which they are undertaking graduate study.
-To be eligible for a Master’s Award, applicants must be registered full-time in a Master’s or Doctoral graduate program at an Ontario university at the time of taking up the award (i.e., the fall term of 2015-16), and must remain registered full-time in that master’s program throughout the term of the award. Master’s students remain eligible to the end of their sixth term of full-time study.
-To be eligible for a Doctoral Award, applicants must be registered full-time in a Doctoral graduate program at an Ontario university at the time of taking up the award (i.e., the fall term of 2015-16), and must remain registered full-time throughout the term of the award. Doctoral students remain eligible to the end of their fifteenth term of full-time study.
-Holders of Autism Scholars Awards are precluded from holding any other major award during the term of this award.
- Awards are open for Canadian students.
- With the support of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, a Scholar Awards Program in Autism has been established to ensure that Ontario attracts and retains pre-eminent scholars. The community of autism scholars fostered by this Awards Program will excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge concerning child autism, and its translation into improved health for children, more effective services and products for children with autism, and increase the province’s capacity in diagnosis and assessment of autism and a strengthened treatment system.
- Up to one award at the Master’s level and the Doctoral level will be made.
- Scholarship is awarded one academic year, i.e., for 2015-2016.
- -Master’s Awards value $18,000 and Doctoral Awards value$20,000.
– During the one year period commencing September 2015, master’s award recipients will receive $6,000 per term, for each of the three terms in which they are registered full-time in a master’s program in an Ontario university, as long as they do not exceed the sixth term of their master’s study. Payments will be made by the university through its customary procedures and on its customary schedule (typically equal monthly payments during the term).
-During the one year period commencing September 2015, doctoral award recipients will receive $6,666 per term, for each of the three terms in which they are registered full-time in a doctoral program in an Ontario university, as long as they do not exceed the fifteenth term of their doctoral study. Payments will be made by the university through its customary procedures and on its customary schedule (typically equal monthly payments during the term). - Applicants for Master’s and Doctoral Awards will be assessed on their talent, the excellence of their work, the vision that they bring to their endeavors, and the impact that they foresee resulting from their work, as measured by:
-The program of study and research and its potential contribution to the advancement of knowledge about autism;
-Past academic results, demonstrated by transcripts, awards and distinctions;
-Relevant professional and academic experience, including research training, as evidenced by papers presented at conferences and the candidate’s publication record;
-Written letters of appraisal; and
-Appropriateness of the choice of institution and supervising investigator - All applications should be submitted electronically.
The application deadline is December 1, 2014.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
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