Asia Foundation Development Fellows Program in Asia and USA 2015

Asia Foundation Development Fellows Program in Asia and USA 2015

Asia Foundation Development Fellows Program in Asia and USA 2015

Asia Foundation Development Fellows Program in Asia and USA 2015

The Asia Foundation is awarding development fellowships for young professionals from Asia to strengthen their leadership skills and gain in-depth knowledge of Asia’s critical development challenges. It is a year long fellowship program involving intensive learning modules – short courses, conferences and study tours in Asia and the USA. It is not a full-time fellowship. Fellows will typically remain in their occupations throughout the fellowship year while participating in the programs modules. The application deadline is November 12, 2014.

  • The program provides an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills and gain in-depth knowledge of Asia’s critical development challenges. The program is designed to enhance leadership skills, Asian development knowledge, professional networks, and international exposure.
  • It is a year long fellowship program involving intensive learning modules – short courses, conferences and study tours in Asia and the USA.
  • The Asia Foundation is providing these Fellowships.

Eligibility: Asia Foundation Development Fellows must:
-Have a demonstrable record of high achievement, and must show evidence of outstanding potential for professional advancement, and significant impact in their chosen field;
-Have a demonstrable record of experience and accomplishment related to The Asia Foundation’s fields of expertise – governance and law, economic development, women’s empowerment, environment, and regional cooperation;
-Have outstanding personal character and integrity;
-Be thoughtful, committed, respected and inspirational leaders within their professional fields and within their larger community;
-Be under 40 years of age by the time of selection: January 1, 2015;
-Be conversant in English (TOEFL exam results are not required);
-Be available and able to participate in all program components on the program dates specified; and
-Be resident nationals or citizens of the following countries where The Asia Foundation has programs: Afghanistan; Bangladesh; Cambodia; China; India; Indonesia; Japan; Korea; Laos; Malaysia; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Philippines; Singapore; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Timor-Leste; and, Vietnam.

  • Resident nationals or citizens of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam can apply for these development fellowships.
  • The Asia Foundation Development Fellows program is designed to be a multifaceted experience, enhancing leadership skills, Asian development knowledge, professional networks, and international exposure for Asian professionals. The program also provides the flexibility for Fellows to custom-tailor their own professional development component and to stay in their current occupations while participating in the program’s rigorous modules. Fellows are highly talented individuals, under age 40, who have demonstrated outstanding commitment, integrity, and leadership potential within their professional fields and within their larger community.
  • The second cohort of Asia Foundation Development Fellows will consist of 12 individuals.
  • Fellowship will be awarded for a period of one year.
  • All program expenses are covered, including costs for coursework and programming, airfares and local transportation, lodging and meals, visa fees, and health and accident insurance. Fellows are also provided a per diem during program activities. Providing proof of financial means is not necessary. Fellows also receive a Professional Development Award of up to US$5,000 for their own personalized professional development plan.
  • The selection for the Asia Foundation Development Fellows program is highly competitive. Initial screening and evaluation will be handled by staff at The Asia Foundation who will review each application thoroughly and narrow down applicants to a pool of finalists. Later, final selections will be conducted by a committee of distinguished experts who bring high levels of familiarity and expertise with Asia’s needs and development conditions to their determinations, and will be tasked with carefully weighing issues including equity, opportunity, community and professional, and leadership potential in their deliberations. Fellows will be chosen without regard to sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic background, marital status, or financial need. The identities of nominees will remain confidential throughout the final selection process.
  • Final selections will be announced at the end of December 2014.
  • The mode of applying is online.

The application deadline, including two letters of recommendation, is Wednesday November 12, 2014.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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