Aga Khan Road, F‐5/1
Islamabad, the 17th July, 2013.
In continuation of this office Public Notice published in the leading newspapers on 09.06.2013, it
is for information of the intending candidates of CSS Competitive Examination 2014 that as per schedule,
online applications for Screening Test were to be submitted to FPSC during the period from 15th July,
2013 to 15th August, 2013 and the CSS Screening Test was to be held on 15.09.2013 but due to some
administrative reasons the Commission has decided not to hold CSS Screening Test this year. Therefore,
CSS Competitive Examination 2014 will be held as per previous practice for which applications shall be
invited in last week of September 2013 with closing date of 31.10.2013. The cut off date for determining
the eligibility of the candidates in terms of age, qualification, domicile, etc., shall be 31st December,
2013. The written examination shall commence from15th February, 2014. The number of vacancies to be
filled on the basis of CSS Competitive Examination 2014 will be announced later. Rules, Syllabus and
Application Forms will be available in due course of time.
Screening Test of CSS has been cancelled by FPSC.