HFI, Commercial Helicopter Rating Scholarships ,International Students ,USA


HFI, Commercial Helicopter Rating Scholarships ,International Students ,USA

To attract new talent to the industry, Helicopter Foundation International is  sponsoring Commercial Helicopter Rating Scholarships for International Students  in USA. International Students can apply for these  scholarships. Up to four (4) Scholarships are offered. This  scholarship, funded by the HFI and supporting organizations and individuals,  provides up to $5,000 to assist a candidate, who currently holds a private  helicopter pilot license to obtain a commercial helicopter  rating. The application deadline is November 30, 2013.  2014-commercial-helicopter-rating-pilot-scholarships-international-students-usa

Study Subject(s): Scholarships are provided   to obtain a commercial helicopter rating. Course  Level: Scholarships are available for Commercial Helicopter  Pilot training. Scholarship Provider: Helicopter  Foundation International Scholarship can be taken  at: USA

Eligibility:  The student has successfully completed  the required coursework and has been licensed and received an FAA Commercial  Helicopter Pilot Certificate from a certified FAA Part 141 school or  international equivalent. International Students can apply.

Scholarship Open for International  Students: International Students can apply for these  scholarships.

Scholarship Description: In answer to the helicopter  industry’s need for qualified pilots, and in an effort to attract new talent to  the industry, Helicopter Foundation International is sponsoring four Commercial  Helicopter Pilot Scholarships. Payment of scholarship monies is conditional  upon receipt of supporting documentation from the attended school that the  student has successfully completed the required coursework and has been licensed  and received an FAA Commercial Helicopter Pilot Certificate from a certified FAA  Part 141 school or international equivalent. If the school has not been  compensated by the student, the HFI will make payment to the institution on  behalf of the student, up to the maximum limit of the scholarship awarded.

Number of award(s): Up to four (4)  Scholarships are offered.

Duration of award(s): Winners will be required  to complete their training and receive their rating within one year of  date of acceptance and abide by all scholarship rules.

What does it cover? $5,000 is awarded for each  scholarship. Scholarship funds will only be applied to tuition costs.  Scholarship winners are responsible for their own transportation and ancillary  expenses (books, meals, lodging).

Selection criteria: Not Known

Notification: Winners will be notified by phone and by  mail

How to Apply: The mode of applying is  electronically and post. These documents should also be mailed: -Proof of  enrollment in a certified FAA Part 141 school helicopter pilot training program,  or international equivalent; -A clear copy of any and all FAA or  International Equivalent Certificate(s); -A current resume; -Three  current letters of recommendation from individuals such as employers, flight  instructors, or others within the industry who can attest to your background,  training and experience as it relates to aviation; -Two references (e.g.,  employers, professional or community organizations); -A summary of 300 words  or more describing why you want to be a helicopter pilot; -A letter from  your school certifying that they are an FAA certified Part 141 school or  international equivalent. -International applicants must also provide proof  of foreign citizenship.

Scholarship Application  Deadline: The application deadline is November  30, 2013

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
