Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships, Career Development (IOF), 2013


Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships, Career Development (IOF), 2013

Call is open for Marie Curie international outgoing fellowships for  career development. The main activities of an IOF will be based on a  training-through-research project prepared by the experienced researcher in  liaison with the host organisation. Experienced researchers of a  Member States or Associated Countries are eligible to apply for this  international fellowship. Fellowships have duration of between 24 and 36  months (full time equivalent), with an initial outgoing phase of 12 to 24 months  and a final mandatory reintegration phase of 12 months within the return host  organisation. 14 August 2013 is closing date for submission of  proposals.

Study Subject(s): All Marie Curie actions have a bottom-up  approach, i.e. all fields of research of interest to the European Union are  eligible for funding (except areas of research covered by the EURATOM Treaty).  All research carried out must respect fundamental ethics principles. Proposals  will be classified into distinct Evaluation Panels under eight major areas of  research: Chemistry (CHE); Economic Sciences (ECO), Information Science and  Engineering (ENG); Environment and Geo-Sciences (ENV); Life Sciences (LIF);  Mathematics (MAT); Physics (PHY); Social Sciences and Humanities  (SOC). Course Level: The main activities of an IOF will be  based on a training-through-research project prepared by the experienced  researcher in liaison with the host organisation. Scholarship  Provider: European Commission Scholarship can be taken  at: Other Third Country

Eligibility: -Participants are legal entities established in  Member States or Associated Countries. -International Outgoing Fellowships  are directed exclusively at experienced researchers, namely those who either:   have at least 4 years of research experience (full-time equivalent) after  obtaining the degree which would formally entitle them to embark on a doctorate  either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in  which the research training will be provided; or are already in possession of a  doctoral degree (PhD). -Experienced researchers shall be considered eligible  under this action if they are nationals of a Member State or Associated Country.  However researchers from Other Third Countries who have been residing and  carrying out their main activity in Member States or Associated Countries for at  least the 5 years prior to the submission deadline are also eligible for this  action.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Researchers of a  Member State (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,  Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,  Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,  Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and UK) or Associated Country can apply for this  fellowship. However researchers from Other Third Countries who have been  residing and carrying out their main activity in Member States or Associated  Countries for at least the 5 years prior to the submission deadline are also  eligible for this action.

Scholarship Description: The  specific objective of the Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships for  Career Development is described in the 2013 People Work Programme: “This action  aims to reinforce the international dimension of the career of European  researchers by giving them the opportunity to be trained and acquire new  knowledge in a high-level organisation active in research, established in an  Other Third Country (Outgoing phase). Subsequently, these researchers will  return with the acquired knowledge and experience to an organisation in a Member  State or Associated Country”. This action provides financial support to an  individual mobility project presented by an experienced researcher in liaison  with a host organisation in the Member States or Associated Countries.  Experienced researchers applying to this action need to develop a coherent  research training project for the total duration of the contract that will  enable the experienced researcher to progress in the development of his/her  career. The fellowship is expected to be part of a structured, long-term  personal career development plan that is coherent with past achievements and  clearly defines the future aims of the researcher.

Duration of award(s): International Outgoing Fellowships  have a duration of between 24 and 36 months (full time equivalent), with an  initial outgoing phase of 12 to 24 months and a final mandatory reintegration  phase of 12 months within the return host organisation.

 What does it cover? The financial support for International  Outgoing Fellowships takes the form of a grant covering up to 100% of the  budget, according to a system of flat rates for eligible cost categories,  comprising the following components: -a monthly living allowance -a  monthly mobility allowance: €1,000/month: experienced researcher with family  obligations. In this context family is defined as persons linked to the  researcher by (i) marriage, or (ii) a relationship with equivalent status to a  marriage recognised by the national legislation of the country of the host  organisation or of the nationality of the researcher; or (iii) dependent  children who are actually being maintained by the researcher; and €700/month:  experienced researcher without family obligations. -a contribution to the  training expenses of the eligible experienced researcher: This contribution is  paid as a flat rate: €800 per researcher-month. -Contribution to overheads:  Flat rate of €700 per researcher-month.

Selection Criteria: Experts perform evaluations on a personal  basis, not as representatives of their employer, their country or any other  entity. They are expected to be independent, impartial and objective, and to  behave throughout in a professional manner.

Notification: Invitation letter to successful coordinators to  launch grant agreement negotiations with the REA services by December 2013.  Letter to unsuccessful applicants from December 2013 will be sent.

How to Apply: Proposals in this call must be submitted  electronically, using the Electronic Submission Services of the Commission (SEP)  in the Research Participant Portal via an ECAS login.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Deadline for submission  of proposals is 14 August 2013.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
