The School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University offers masters studentships in the field of archaeology, ancient history, conservation, history, religious studies and theology. Minimum of 2:1 or equivalent for overseas applicants) in a BA Degree in a relevant subject. The masters studentships are awarded on the basis of academic merit. Awards are open to students of any nationality. International students will be offered an award equivalent to the value of the UK/EU course fees and will be required to cover the remaining international fees themselves. The application deadline is 1st July 2013.
Study Subject(s): Studentships are provided in the field of archaeology, ancient history, conservation, history, religious studies and theology. Course Level: Studentships are available for pursuing masters degree level at Cardiff University. Scholarship Provider: The School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University, UK Scholarship can be taken at: UK
Eligibility: Academic Criteria: Minimum of 2:1 or equivalent for overseas applicants) in a BA Degree in a relevant subject. -The Masters Studentships are awarded on the basis of academic merit. -All candidates who have Firmly accepted a Conditional or an Unconditional offer to study at Cardiff University in these subject areas by 1st July 2013 and who have no other major source of external funding, are eligible and will be automatically considered for an award. Residency: Awards are open to students of any nationality. International students will be offered an award equivelent to the value of the UK/EU course fees and will be required to cover the remaining international fees themselves.
Scholarship Open for International Students: International and UK students can apply for these studentships.
Scholarship Description: The School of History, Archaeology and Religion is pleased to announce that it will fund a number of Masters Studentships for students enrolling in the 2013-14 academic year. The School will make and up to 7 Masters awards in the disciplines of Archaeology, Ancient History, Conservation, History, Religious Studies and Theology.
Number of award(s): Up to 7 Scholarships are offered.
Duration of award(s): Not Known
What does it cover? The School’s Masters Studentships are equivalent to full-time UK / EU fees for the degrees applied for (click here for current fees). We welcome applications from International students (awards would cover part of these fees), as well as those wishing to study part-time (awards will be on a pro-rata basis for the duration of the degree).
Selection criteria: Masters Studentships are awarded on the basis of academic merit.
Notification: Not Known
How to Apply: –Candidates must have received and firmly accepted a place to study a masters course at the school by 1st July 2013. Consideration for the award will be automatic upon confirming acceptance of your offer before this date. -All candidates who have Firmly accepted a Conditional or an Unconditional offer to study at Cardiff University in these subject areas by 1st July 2013 and who have no other major source of external funding, are eligible and will be automatically considered for an award. -There is no separate applications process and successful candidates will be notified by mid-July
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is 1st July 2013.