zoology paper 1.
1. Metamerically segmented worms belong to phylum: (a). Nematoda (b). platyhelminthes (c) Annelida (d). None of these
2. Which of the following is multiflagellate protozoa? (a). ceratium (b).Noctiluca (c). Leishmania (d). None of these
3. spicules are secreted by: (a). Scleroblasts (b). nematoblasts (c). endoblasts (d). none of these
4. which of the following is the porous opening through which water enters the hydrocoel of an echinoderm? (a). pedicellaria (b). tube feet (c)Madreporite (d) none of these
5. The body cavity of most triploblastic animals formed by splitting of mesoderm into an outer and inner layer is called (A). coelentron (b). coelom (c) colon (d).none of these
6. compound eyes are found in (a). platyhelminthese (b). echinodermate (c). Mollusca (d) none of these
7. Egg laying mammals are placed in sub-class: (a). Meththeria (b). protheria (c). theria (d) none of these
8. open circulatory system is found in : (a). Birds (b). Earthworms (c). cockroach (d). none of these
9. bivalve mollusks are usually: (a). scavangers (b). deposit feeders (c) filter feeders (d). none of these
10. the pillar or central axis around which the whorls of gastropods shell are coiled is called: (a). columella (b). collembolan (c). collublasts (d) none of these
11. the ninth vertebrae of frog is called: (a). cervical (b). Sacral (c). Urostyle (d) none of these
12. the stage in embryo in which the primary germ layers have been laid down is called: (a). gastrula (b). blastula (c). morula (d) none of these
13. a fish which migrate down river to spawn in the sea is called: (a). anadromous (b). catadromous (c). dromiacea (d) none of these
14. which of the following has four chambered heart? (a). Dog fish (b). Frog (c). Birds (d) All of these
15. facets by which vertebratae articulates with one another are called: (a). Metapophyses (b). parapophyses (c). Zygopophyses (d) none of these
16. the innermembrane of the two foetal membrane in reptiles, birds and mammals is called: (a). Amnion (b). chorion (c). peritoneum (d) none of these
17. amphioxius is an example of : (a). Urochordata (b). cyclostomata (c). hemichordata (d) none of these
18. filarial worm (genus wuchereia) belong to phylum: (a). Nematoda (b). platyhelminthes (c). annelids (d) none of these
19. Notochord is formed from primary : (a). ectoderm (b). mesoderm (c). endoderm (d) all of these
20. shell fish includes: (a). shrimp, crabs and eel fish (b). dog fish, crabs, and lobsters (c). lobsters, crabs and shrimps (d) ALL of these
Q.2 (a).Give an account of life cycle of Fasciola hepatica. (10) (b). Describe the various types of larval forms found in crustacea. (10)
Q.3. (a). what is the difference between corallite and coral reef? Give an account of of the various forms of coral reefs. (10) (b). write an essay on parasitic adaptation in platyhelminthes. (10)
Q.4 (a) describe the morphology and microscopic structure of the shell of a gastropode mullusc such as pila. (10) (b) Describe the water vascular system of star fish. (10)
Q.5. Write short notes on Following:- (5 each) (a) binary fission in paramecium (b). Flame cell (C). Leishmaniasis (d). spicules
Section -B
Q.6. (A). Describe various types of heart found in the vertebrates. (10) (b). give an account of flight adaptation of birds. (10)
Q.7. (a). Describe the pelvic girdle of heart found in the vertebrates. (10) (b). Give a detailed structure of the eye of frog. (10) Q.8. write short notes on the following: (a). Biting mechanism of snakes (b). placenta (c). fish scales (d). Neuron
Paper 2(part 2)
Section A
Q.2. Describe the phenomenon of mitotic cell division in animals.(20) Q.3. Define an allele. Explain mendal’s principle of independent assortment with examples. (20) Q.4. What do you think about the sex-linked inheritance? Explain with examples.(20)
Q.5. Do you believe in ”Evolution”. Give evidences in favour of the theory. (20) Q.6. Define bio-geochemical cycles. Explain ‘Nitrogen’ cycle diagrammatically. (20) Q.7. What is Darwanisim? Differentiate it from Lamarkism. What do yo know about synthesis of Darwinian theory with population of genetics?(20) Q.8. Describe Various interactions among animal populations. (20)