Scholarship Description: Applications are invited for Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellowships at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Strasbourg in France. This action is for experienced researchers from across the world.
Scholarship Provider: Strasbourg is the second most international university city in France (after Paris). Today, the University of Strasbourg counts 42000 students, offers initial and further education in a wide range of academic fields and is an international player in scientific research.
Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.
Degree Level: Fellowships are available to pursue postdoctoral research programme.
Available Subject: All research areas can be funded. MSCA Fellows come from a wide variety of disciplines – from physics to linguistics, and from health-sciences to mathematical modelling. For the 2018 call, we are interested in evaluating the following areas:
Medieval Philosophy. Supervisor: Gianluca Briguglia ( [email protected] )
Renaissance Philosophy. Supervisor: Gianluca Briguglia ( [email protected] )
Critical Theory of Society. Supervisor: Franck Fischbach ( [email protected] )
Social Philosophy. Supervisor: Franck Fischbach ( [email protected] )
Philosophy and Aesthetics of Architecture. Supervisor: Mickaël Labbé ( [email protected] )
Philosophy of Religion. Supervisor: Jacob Rogozinski ( [email protected] )
Scholarship Benefits: The grant provides an allowance to cover living, travel and family costs. In addition, the EU contributes to the training, networking and research costs of the fellow, as well as to the management and indirect costs of the project. The grant is awarded to the host organisation, usually a university, research centre or a company in Europe.
Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements:
There are two types of Individual Fellowships:
European Fellowships
Global Fellowships
European Fellowships:
Are open to researchers moving within Europe, as well as those coming in from other parts of the world.
Can restart a research career after a break, such as parental leave.
Can help researchers coming back to Europe find a new position.
These Fellowships are held in the EU or associated countries and last for one to two years.
Global Fellowships
Fund positions outside Europe for researchers based in the EU or associated countries.
Last between two and three years.
The researcher has to come back for one year to an organisation based in the EU or associated countries.
Both types of Fellowship can also include a secondment period of up to three or six months in another organisation in Europe.
This action is for experienced researchers from across the world.
Applicants need a doctoral degree or at least four years’ full-time research experience by the time of the call deadline.
Application Procedure: You submit a research proposal, including your CV. The proposal is written jointly with your chosen host organisation(s).