Free Online Course on Caring for Vulnerable Children

Strathclyde University

The University of Strathclyde, CELCIS is offering free online course on Caring for Vulnerable Children. In this free online course, University will help you explore some of the issues involved in undertaking this task.

In this six-week course, applicants will develop an understanding of some of the approaches involved in caring for vulnerable children. This course will start on October 23, 2017.

Course At Glance

Length: 6 weeks
Effort: 4 hours/week
Subject: Caring for Vulnerable Children
Institution: University of Strathclyde, CELCIS and Future learn
Languages: English
Price: Free
Certificate Available: Yes
Session: Course starts on October 23, 2017

Providers’ Details

University of Strathclyde

The University of Strathclyde is a leading international technological university located in the heart of Glasgow, Scotland’s biggest city.


CELCIS is committed to making positive and lasting improvements in the wellbeing of Scotland’s children living in and on the edges of care.

About This Course

In times of austerity and shrinking public services, the task of identifying and caring for vulnerable children has never been more challenging. In this free online course, we’ll help you explore some of the issues involved in undertaking this task.

Why Take This Course?

This is a free online course. This MOOC will be offered with Video Transcripts in English.  Applicants can get a verified certificate.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to…

  • Explain the concepts of vulnerability, risk and good enough parenting
  • Explore the concepts of attachment, containment and child development
  • Evaluate the ways in which adults and carers can communicate with children and young people
  • Explore possible ways to intervene in the lives of children and young people who are experiencing vulnerability and risk
  • Reflect on the events surrounding the assessment and removal of vulnerable and at risk children and young people from their family homes
  • Reflect upon some of the current challenges involved in responding to, and working with, vulnerable children and young people


This course will be suitable if you:

  • Have no direct experience of the child care field, but want to develop your career towards it;
  • Have recently entered the field and have little experience;
  • Have some experience and are interested in developing your qualifications further;
  • Find it difficult to access opportunities for training and development.


Graham McPheat

Graham McPheat is a Senior Teaching Fellow based at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland and am Course Leader for the international MSc in Child and Youth Care Studies by Distance Learning.

How To Join This Course

  • Go to the course website link
  • Sign Up At FutureLearn
  • Select a course and Join
  • Once a course has started, applicant will be able to access the course material
  • After the start date, students will be able to access the course by following the Go To Course link on My Courses page.
  • Applicants can buy, to show that they have completed a FutureLearn course.
  • On some FutureLearn courses, learners will be able to pay to take an exam to qualify for a Statement of Attainment. (These are university-branded, printed certificates that provide proof of learning on the course topic(s)).

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