Data Science Free Online Course by Harvard University

Harvard University

Harvard University is offering free online course on Data Science: R Basics. In this programming course, University will be using the R software environment for all our analysis.

In this four week course, applicants will learn the basic building blocks of R data analysis using real-world challenges and data in this first course of the series. The course will start on September 29, 2017.

Course At A Glance

Length: 4 weeks
Effort: 2-4 hours pw
Subject: Data Analysis & Statistics
Institution: Harvard University and edx
Languages: English
Price: Free
Certificate Available: Yes, Add a Verified Certificate for $99
Session: Course Starts on September 29, 2017

Providers’ Details

Harvard University is devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and research, and to developing leaders in many disciplines who make a difference globally. Harvard faculty are engaged with teaching and research to push the boundaries of human knowledge. The University has twelve degree-granting Schools in addition to the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.

About This Course

The unprecedented advance in digital technology during the second half of the 20th century has produced a measurement revolution that is transforming the world. However, interpreting information extracted from these massive and complex datasets requires sophisticated statistical skills as one can easily be fooled by patterns arising by chance. This has greatly elevated the importance of statistics and data analysis.

Why Take This Course?

In this programming course, University will be using the R software environment for all our analysis. You will learn R and data analysis techniques simultaneously. We will introduce basic R syntax to get you going. However, rather than cover every R skill you need, we introduce just enough so that you can follow along. Upcoming courses in this series will provide more in depth coverage, building upon what you learn here. We believe that you can better retain R knowledge when you learn it to solve a specific problem.

Learning Outcomes

  • Introduction to the R programming language including basic R syntax
  • How to employ different structures for variables, vectors, and arithmetic functions in R
  • How to perform operations in R including coercion, sorting, data frame creation, and the pipe command
  • How to use R to manipulate data, create plots, and perform basic programming


Rafael Irizarry is a Professor of Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and a Professor of Biostatistics and Computational Biology at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.



How To Join This Course

  • Go to the course website link
  • Create an edX account to SignUp
  • Choose “Register Now” to get started.
  • EdX offers honor code certificates of achievement, verified certificates of achievement, and XSeries certificates of achievement. Currently, verified certificates are only available in some courses.
  • Once applicant sign up for a course and activate their account, click on the Log In button on the homepage and type in their email address and edX password. This will take them to the dashboard, with access to each of their active courses. (Before a course begins, it will be listed on their dashboard but will not yet have a “view course” option.)

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