Free Online Course on Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Public Health Dimensions

Public Health

‘Biosecurity and Bioterrorism Public Health Dimensions’ is a free online course by UNSW Sydney on This course has no special requirements but might be of special interest to policy makers, security agencies, military personnel, first line responders, health professionals and academics.

This course will introduce you to some of these topics and concerns – examining the basics of biosecurity.  This course will start on April 24, 2017.

Course At Glance

Length: 4 weeks
Effort: 4 hours/week
Subject: Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Public Health Dimensions
Institution: UNSW Sydney and Future learn
Languages: English
Price: Free
Certificate Available: Yes
Session: Course starts on April 24, 2017


Providers’ Details

UNSW offers an extensive range of undergraduate, postgraduate and research programs. We attract talented students from across Australia and around the world. Our 50,000-plus students come from 128 countries, making us one of Australia’s most cosmopolitan universities.

About This Course

As our understanding of biology and disease has increased, so has our ability to manipulate both, leading to serious concerns about protecting and maintaining public health. High risk biological agent events, epidemics and bioterrorism are issues we are increasingly facing in the 21st century.

This course will introduce you to some of these topics and concerns – examining the basics of biosecurity. It will help you understand how diseases spread and how we can use health intelligence to inform how we can manage issues of biosecurity.

Why Take This Course?

This is a free online course. This MOOC will be offered with Video Transcripts in English.  Applicants can get a verified certificate.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the basic principles of infectious disease investigation, epidemiology and public health response.
  • Explain the basic principles of communicable disease response.
  • Reflect on the differences between different types of bioterrorism and biological agent outbreaks or events.
  • Identify the most important public health concerns, and the general response, to biosecurity and bioterrorism events.
  • Reflect on the importance of health intelligence for the investigation and management of biosecurity and bioterrorism events.
  • Debate basic policy and ethical concerns relating to contemporary biosecurity.


This course has no special requirements but might be of special interest to policy makers, security agencies, military personnel, first line responders, health professionals and academics.


David Heslop

My name is Dr David Heslop MD. I am an Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. I have interests in CBRN medicine, and health systems design and research

David Muscatello

He is epidemiologist with a primary focus on estimating the burden of influenza in the population, time series analysis in public health and syndromic surveillance and early outbreak detection.

Raina MacIntyre

Raina MacIntyre (MBBS Hons 1, M App Epid, PhD, FRACP, FAFPHM) is Head, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, UNSW and Professor of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology.

How To Join This Course

  • Go to the course website link
  • Sign Up At FutureLearn
  • Select a course and Join
  • Once a course has started, applicant will be able to access the course material
  • After the start date, students will be able to access the course by following the Go To Course link on My Courses page.
  • Applicants can buy, to show that they have completed a FutureLearn course.
  • On some FutureLearn courses, learners will be able to pay to take an exam to qualify for a Statement of Attainment. (These are university-branded, printed certificates that provide proof of learning on the course topic(s)).

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