Online Course to Support English Learners by Stanford University

Stanford University

Stanford University is offering free online course to supporting english learners. This course is intended for district, state, or school-site leaders, EL administrators, or teachers of ELs.

The overall goal is for participating educators to better understand ELs in their context, including their schooling experiences, needs, and successes, and use what they learn to design and implement higher quality educational experiences that build disciplinary knowledge and skills. The course will start on Apr 24, 2017.

Course At A Glance

Course Number: LeadEL
Subject: Supporting English Learners: Resources for Leaders
Institution: Stanford University
Languages: English
Price: Free
Session: Course Starts on Apr 24, 2017

Providers’ Details

Stanford Online offers a variety of professional education opportunities in conjunction with many of the University’s schools and departments, and free online courses taught by Stanford faculty to lifelong learners worldwide.

About This Course

This course provides a set of resources designed to support educational leaders in driving educational change for English Learners. These resources guide educational leaders through a process of examining existing systemic thinking and structures around the education of English Learners, using organized tools to look more deeply at practices for ELs, and developing or refining a plan to propel systemic change and shift practices.

Why Take This Course?

Educators in the course will have access to videos, readings, and activities that help them to understand the EL context in their setting, create guiding frameworks such as a vision statement and language development framework, and craft a plan to improve teaching and learning for ELs.

Where appropriate, the course will address state-specific frameworks related to ELs, such as the New York State Blueprint for ELL Success, or the California EL Roadmap, and how participants can use guidance from these frameworks to shape their efforts.

Learning Outcomes

The overall goal is for participating educators to better understand ELs in their context, including their schooling experiences, needs, and successes, and use what they learn to design and implement higher quality educational experiences that build disciplinary knowledge and skills.


Maria Santos

María Santos is the co-chair and Senior Advisor for Leadership at Understanding Language. She is the former Deputy Superintendent for Instruction, Leadership and Equity-in-Action at the Oakland Unified School District.

Steven Weiss

Steven Weiss is the Project Manager for the Stanford ELL Leadership Network, a collaboration between seven small to medium sized school districts in Northern California focused on developing leadership capacity around English Language Learners.

Annie Camey Kuo

Annie Camey Kuo is a Postdoctoral Scholar at Understanding Language/Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (UL/SCALE).


This course is intended for district, state, or school-site leaders, EL administrators, or teachers of ELs. There are no prerequisites for the course. However, we encourage you to take the course along with a team of other educators from your district or school so that you can collaboratively engage with these resources.

How To Join This Course

  • Go to the course website link
  • Create an account to SignUp
  • Choose “Register Now” to get started.

Apply Now
