Understanding Information and Technology Free Online Course by University of Strathclyde

Strathclyde University

The University of Strathclyde is offering free online course on Understanding Information and Technology. Students might find this course particularly useful if student’s background is not in technology but they now find themselves using technology regularly.

The aim of the course is to help you develop a context for the technologies you encounter and to help you understand the changes in the technology landscape. The course will start on May 22, 2017.

Course At Glance

Length: 5 weeks
Effort: 2 hours/week
Subject: Information and Technology
Institution: University of Strathclyde and Future learn
Languages: English
Price: Free
Certificate Available: Yes
Session: Course starts on May 22, 2017

Providers’ Details

The University of Strathclyde is a leading international technological university located in the heart of Glasgow, Scotland’s biggest city. Its commitment to useful learning guides its research, learning and teaching – and the way it works with businesses and organisations.

About This Course

When we talk about technology and IS (information systems) we tend to focus on computers. Instead, in this course we examine the ‘big picture’ of technology, in order to gain a better understanding of what computers can do for us and when we should switch off our computers, smartphones, tablets and wearables. University cover some of the fundamental concepts of technology and IS but the aim is not to provide an in-depth understanding of specific applications, but to help you develop a context for the technologies you encounter and to help you understand the changes in the technology landscape.

Why Take This Course?

This is a free online course. This MOOC will be offered with Video Transcripts in English.  Applicants can get a verified certificate.

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop a ‘big picture’ understanidng of IS/ICT and its use in organizations
  • Evaluate where to put a database and where a knowledge base
  • Describe IS/ICT strategy as an aspect of corporate strategy
  • Explore basic concepts that you need to communicate with IS/ICT specialists.
  • Compare variants of cloud-computing.
  • Compare your experiences of using smart technology.
  • Discuss the possibilities and consequences of artificial intelligence.


You don’t need any past experience of this topic to take this course. Students might find this course particularly useful if their background isn’t in technology but they now find themselves using technology regularly.


Viktor Dörfler

Senior Lecturer in Information & Knowledge Management. My interest is comprised of areas of personal and organisational knowledge and learning as well as supporting these with information systems.

How To Join This Course

  • Go to the course website link
  • Sign Up At FutureLearn
  • Select a course and Join
  • Once a course has started, applicant will be able to access the course material
  • After the start date, students will be able to access the course by following the Go To Course link on My Courses page.
  • Applicants can buy, to show that they have completed a FutureLearn course.
  • On some FutureLearn courses, learners will be able to pay to take an exam to qualify for a Statement of Attainment. (These are university-branded, printed certificates that provide proof of learning on the course topic(s)).

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