Doctoral Positions and Fellowships at IMPRS Evolbio in Germany, 2017

National University of ireland
Doctoral Positions and Fellowships at IMPRS Evolbio in Germany, 2017

Doctoral Positions and Fellowships at IMPRS Evolbio in Germany, 2017

Applications are invited for up to 10 Positions and Fellowships of the International Max Planck Research School for Evolutionary Biology to study in Germany. Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for these fellowships and positions.

The IMPRS Evolbio is an international graduate school dedicated to highest level research and training in all areas of contemporary Evolutionary Biology.

Degree Level: Fellowships and positions are available to pursue doctoral programme.

Available Subject: Fellowships and positions are awarded for different projects available.

Scholarship Benefits: Financial support is provided throughout the program.

Number of Scholarships: 10 fellowships and positions will be awarded.

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship.

  • International students are eligible to apply for these Positions and Fellowships.

Eligible Nationalities: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for these fellowships and positions.

Application Procedure: Applications must include the following items:

  • Motivation letter (including a statement of your special evolutionary interests) for applying to this program (maximum 2 pages). Please also quote an evolutionary topic that you would like to be questioned on during the possible interview(s).
  • Curriculum vitae (CV)with personal details (including birth date), contact address, details on exams and courses taken (incl grades and a description how to read them), publications (if any) and all other relevant personal information (maximum 2 pages).
  • Up to three names of academic teachers who could provide reference letters.
  • Preference list of three specific projects that you could imagine to work with during your possible PhD, including a short statement on the reason for the choice (maximum 1 page – note that this list is not binding in case you are admitted to the program).

Application Form

Deadline: The deadline for applications is April 23, 2017.

Scholarship Link
