Science Foundation Ireland Industry Fellowship Programme 2016
Science Foundation Ireland is pleased to launch the Industry Fellowship Programme 2016 to develop and support academic partnerships with industry. Fellowships can be awarded to staff and postdoctoral academic researchers based in Ireland, wishing to spend time in industry worldwide (“Academia to Industry” Fellowships), and to individuals from industry anywhere in the world (including Ireland) wishing to spend time in an eligible Irish academic or research institution (“Industry to Academia” Fellowships). The purpose of the Industry Fellowship Programme 2016 is to enhance industry-academia collaborations through the funding of collaborative industry-academia research projects and to stimulate excellence through knowledge transfer and training of researchers. Both aims will be pursued by the Industry Fellowship Programme, through the temporary movement of academic researchers to industry, and of industry researchers to academia. Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) is the national foundation for investment in scientific and engineering research. The Foundation also promotes and supports the study of, education in, and engagement with STEM and promotes an awareness and understanding of the value of STEM to society and, in particular, to the growth of the economy. Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.
- Fellowship is available for pursuing Research programme.
- The purpose of the Industry Fellowship Programme 2016 is to enhance industry-academia collaborations through the funding of collaborative industry-academia research projects, and to stimulate excellence through knowledge transfer and training of researchers.
- The maximum SFI contribution to an Industry Fellowship award is €100,000 direct costs over award duration between 1 and 12 months full time or between 2 and 24 months part time – the budget should be prorated accordingly for Fellowships of shorter duration than the maximum allowable. The duration referred to here is the total ‘Award duration’ as distinct from the ‘In Situ duration’. The maximum cumulative ‘In Situ duration’ that a Fellow may spend at a Host Organisation is 12 months. For part-time Fellowships, this ‘In Situ duration’ may be spread over a period of up to 24 months. Candidates may only apply for funding in respect of the requested ‘In Situ duration’.
Scholarship can be taken at anywhere in the world (including Ireland)
Eligibility Criteria: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for this fellowship:
Under the Industry Fellowship 2016 Programme Call, proposals will be accepted from three different categories of Applicant:
(A) SFI Award Holder;
(B) Non-SFI Award Holder – Lead Principal Investigator (PI) on a competitively awarded, internationally peer-reviewed research grant secured over the last 5 years (2011-2016);
(C) Postdoctoral Researcher.
In all cases, the Applicant must be:
a) A member of the academic staff of an eligible Irish Research Body (permanent or with a contract that covers the period of the Industry Fellowship), or
A contract researcher with a contract that covers the period of the Industry Fellowship (contract may be subject to receipt of the Industry Fellowship).
The Applicant must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent. Please consult the SFI Policy of Ph.D. Equivalence6 for further information. Research Body submission confirms that the Applicant meets these criteria and is either a member of the academic staff, a contract researcher or awaiting appointment as defined above.
Eligibility Criteria of The Industry Partner
- The Industry Partner must have Significant experience working in an industry environment
Experience and knowledge of industry processes including operational and business procedures
A proven record of leadership and accomplishment appropriate to international standards in their field, industry sector and career stage
Eligibility of Research Body
- The Research Body8 is the institution in charge of the financial and administrative coordination of the research grant from SFI. Research Bodies must be situated in the Republic of Ireland.
Eligible Nationalities: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this fellowship programme.
Entrance Requirements: The Applicant must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent.
English language Requirements: Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.
Application Procedure: The mode of application is online. The Academic Partner will submit the application to SFI via SESAME (SFI’s grants and awards management system).
Applicants are invited to submit the following documentation:
- Full proposal
- Full proposals must be submitted online through SESAME to Science Foundation Ireland by the Research Office of the Applicant’s Research Body before the deadlines specified in this Call Document.
- Applicants should follow carefully the instructions below and in the SESAME researcher user guide to complete the various sections of the application. In addition, a checklist of requirements is provided in Appendix C of this call document.
Full proposal submission requirements: - All text in uploaded PDFs should be provided in Times New Roman font, or similar, with the minimum font size of 11, and at least single-line spacing as well as a minimum margin size of 2.5cm. Text in diagrams may be in any clearly legible font.
- Uploads in SESAME must be submitted in Adobe or Microsoft PDF format only
- The number of pages in uploads must not exceed the specifications for any given section. Applications that do not comply with these requirements will be deemed ineligible and will be returned without review.
- Appendices or other unsolicited documentation are not permitted. Applications that include such unsolicited documentation will be returned without review
- The currency to be used is the euro (€).
- File sizes of attachments should be less than 5MB.
Deadline: There are two submission deadlines in 2016.
First Deadline: 6th of July 2016
Second Deadline: 2nd of December 2016.