2016 Developing Countries FSC Short-term Scholarship , Germany
Food Security Center (FSC) is inviting applications for short-term scholarships open to postdoctoral and PhD students from developing countries or developed countries. These scholarships are offered to conduct their research and career at the University of Hohenheim. Women are explicitly encouraged to apply for a scholarship. The scholarships aim at increasing their previously gained scientific knowledge and skills relevant to food security-related issues. Finally, FSC aims at establishing an active, long-lasting collaboration with the supported researchers and their home institutions through an interactive alumni-network. The Food Security Center (FSC) is a university center of excellence in development collaboration at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. Applicant must have excellent proficiency in oral and written English.
- Scholarships are available to conduct their research and career at the University of Hohenheim.
- Scholarships are available for students interested in an interdisciplinary and international (post-) graduate education in food security relevant issues. There are certain topics provided by the Faculties of Agricultural Sciences, Natural Sciences and Business, Economics and Social Sciences from which the applicants have to select as their doctoral research topic when they are applying for the scholarship.
- List of Subjects: Sociology of Agriculture and Food, Agricultural Engineering, Nutrition and Health, Biological Chemistry and Nutritional Science and Economics
- The scholarship includes award for a stay at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany.
- Postdoctoral students:-The monthly grant is EUR 2.150
-Travel costs to and from Stuttgart will be covered - PhD students:-The monthly grant is EUR 1,000
-In addition, FSC pays for traveling to and from Hohenheim
-Proofed costs for a health and liability insurance will be refunded for an amount up to EUR 100
-Successful applicants can select from the regular course catalogues of the international MSc and PhD study programs offered by the University of Hohenheim (also including the courses offered in the PhD Program “Global Food Security”).
Eligibility Criteria:
In order to apply for scholarship, applicant must follow the given criteria:
- Be able to conduct innovative research
- Have excellent interpersonal skills and team spirit
- Be able and willing to work well in an interdisciplinary, multicultural environment with individuals -from different scientific, societal and cultural backgrounds and with organizations from the public, private and civil society sector
- Be available for the entire period of the research stay of 3 months
- Be a national of developing country according to OECD DAC List
Eligible Nationalities: Applicants from developing countries of the OECD DAC List are eligible to apply.
List of Countries: Afghanistan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Armenia, Angola, Kenya, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Cape Verde, Benin, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Bhutan, Congo, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Burundi, Egypt, Cambodia, El Salvador, Central African Republic, Georgia, Chad, Ghana, Comoros, Guatemala, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guyana, Djibouti, Honduras, Equatorial Guinea, India, Eritrea, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Kosovo, Gambia, Kyrgyzstan, Guinea, Micronesia, Guinea-Bissau, Moldova, Haiti, Mongolia, Kiribati, Morocco, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nicaragua, Lesotho, Nigeria, Liberia, Pakistan, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, Malawi, Paraguay, Mali, Philippines, Mauritania, Samoa, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Swaziland, Nepal, Syrian, Arab Republic, Niger, Tokelau, Rwanda, Ukraine, Sao Tome and Principe, Uzbekistan, Senegal, Vietnam, Sierra Leone, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Yemen and Zambia
Entrance Requirement:
- PhD students must be currently enrolled in a doctoral program and postdoctoral students must have PhD degree in agriculture, nutritional, natural, social, economic or political sciences, or related disciplines with specification on food security related issues.
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirement:
- Applicant must have excellent proficiency in oral and written English.
Documents Required:
The following documents must be submitted in English:
- Checklist/Guideline
- Abstract of Master/Diploma Thesis
- PhD Research Proposal
- Recommendation Letter 1
- Recommendation Letter 2
Application Procedure: Eligible applicants should complete an online scholarship application.
Scholarship for Postdoctoral students
Deadline: The application deadline is April 11, 2016.